Matters Mutual Heating Program in Matt City | Daily Earning 1 Like Coin Program (6)

The heating plan is in its sixth week, with a total of 745 likes, which is still a long way from the target of 745/4055. Thank you catding for your correction. It turns out that 1 like is not equal to 1 like coin, but it is wrong, so let the Like of this series The number has reached 4055. I believe that Like Coin should also be close to the dream. The number of authors in this issue has increased significantly to 60 authors. Thank you

The project has entered the sixth week, this has become my weekly diary series, I don’t know if some people will not understand what I am talking about, take a look at the picture below, it is full of memories

When I was studying, I didn't know why I wanted to write this "Life Weekly Diary". I always felt that it was basically a " Monday Shorthand ". It was only written when I got to school on Monday morning, but in Matt City, it was different. The heating plan became A good cycle is like a sign-in book. Everyone comes here to sign in, and it can also recommend authors who want to warm each other to know that there are those hot ass.

There has been a significant increase this week. A total of 60 authors participated in the event, which has doubled from the last time. I was very surprised, but it also verified the warmth that Matt City should have. The following are the participating authors, Everyone, remember to click on each other with the following authors, so that the praise culture can become a good cycle.

60-bit screenshot below

The following is the author's link, regardless of ranking

@我的小宝@Stepasidehk @Jeffery @annepink Cheeky Bottle Bottle Bubble @Olivia @小宝@ 刘思@bangnan@chocolate@Agnes Emotion Corner @Loyal to Writing@Little Slash Engineer@Life Has No Internship @LemnBlackr @zongyou @ Chuanlin@ Zuixuetang@catding @小Foodpo@Thick Chin @ yunxun83@Sun Li@Cai Yanqiu@The years are quiet and good little swallows@Hot pot seasoning is added to the explosion @Jerome @ It's a rabbit and a cat @ DrYuan. Dumplings @Luye@Code Farmer's Daily Matters-Li @FUCKYOU @evahe @ Regret Making Machine @ 林正伟@小西@star_hope @zhenxiao @qiqi@open hanging life @ 李云@vvictor @SU Luofu@RitaShields @volunteer grandpa @catfish @PhilipMak @ Yao Nianguang @ Fantasy @Star Lighting@Journey@Chicken Feather's Little Things @MRbear @王大王@ Courtesy 's Life Essays@ 一青@@Reading Pen Farming @Danielson in the fairy tale kingdom Denmark@Uncle Xin @yukanyumin

This week has also benefited a lot, and I have met many new friends. It is not a joy to label other authors. It is really not easy to find out the IDs one by one and then choose the correct name, but I think it is relative. The author who clicked in is an encouragement to me, and I can't live up to you. In addition to following up, I will find time to like your articles in the past.

By the way, the three-level alert without suspense has been extended again, and this time it has been extended to 7/12

A colleague of mine has also disappeared for nearly a month. Although his position is not very high and necessary, he takes the bus to work and belongs to the high-risk group. The boss will ask him to go back to work after the vigilance period. Listen. Said they were still paid

It can only be said that everyone is in a difficult time. The boss makes a calculation. If the entire company is infected with the virus because of one person, the whole company may face the risk of home isolation and closure. This is cost-effective in the long run.

When it comes to this, I still have to return to the theme. I thought it was good to have some comments and suggestions last week. If you are a newcomer, I recommend you another article written by senior @fengxiangwanli . I think it is quite helpful.

Welcome to Matters Beginners Village: All-round Teaching and Battle Raiders & Supply Packs

You'll be more powerful when you see it

At the end of the article, I would like to thank the authors who participated in the likes. I am busy with work this week and can only produce this article, but I will continue to track and like your works every day, and please come in and see my article. For these hot ass authors, you can go to their pages to watch their hard work. After all, creating is not easy. Maybe your likes and encouragement have inspired friends who wanted to quit this circle, and made Matt City stronger and mutual. See you next week for the heating plan!


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