Self-investment is not the same as reading books, 3 steps will make you a great person


What is self-investment?

A person has limited time and money in a day. In Taiwan, the average life expectancy of a person is about 81.32 years. After subtracting one-third sleep and one-third work, there are only about 27 years left in a lifetime. This is only a rough calculation. , There are still many things to do in life, such as family, relationships, parent-child activities, filial piety to parents, raising children, and friendship management. There is not much time left for you to use all kinds of things.

Therefore, in this short time and limited money, what we should do most is to gain the greatest vision and improve ourselves . This is the best way to use time and money .

In addition, please set a time limit for yourself, for example, set a period of one year, check to see if you have improved during the period, you need to check yourself all the time, if there is no improvement, stop the loss in time, think about it, maybe This experience is not for you or you are using the wrong method.

Three steps to self-investment

(1) We must distinguish between good and bad

You must first be able to distinguish between the good and the bad of people, things, things, environments, and cultures, before you know which ones should be contacted and which ones should be avoided or ignored.

(2) Get to know great people, gain their trust, and make them willing to spend time with you

Getting to know great people, such as Mentors, leaders in the field, or Key Man, and having deep conversations with them can bring you more experiences that you wouldn't normally have.

It should be noted that before you want to ask the other party, please convert the #time cost of others. We will first use the average salary as you, and convert it with the person with a million monthly salary, and do the following demonstration.

Time cost for a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan: 250 yuan/hour

Assuming that your monthly salary is 50,000 yuan, and you work 22 days a month, 8-10 hours a day, then his time cost is 50,000/22 days/8-10 hours = 225-285 yuan/hour, taking the median value of about 250 yuan/hour, that is to say, your time cost is about 250 yuan/hour.

What about those who earn a million a month?

Time cost for those with a monthly salary of one million : 5,000 yuan/hour

We directly multiply it by 20 times, and the time cost to get him is about 5,000 yuan/hour. Usually, if we spend 3 hours on a conversation, the overall time cost will be 15,000 yuan.

If you think about it carefully, for them, they may rather spend more overtime and relax than leave time for you. How can you make people willing to lose money and spend 15,000 yuan on you?

That is to win his trust and favor , make him like you, and make him feel that you are a junior worth cultivating, so that even if you don't have the money to invite him, he will be willing to teach you .

If you want to get his favor, you must first treat yourself well, be more polite, and let yourself exude a good mood, so that people will feel that you respect him, are willing to listen to his opinions, and return the results after implementing his suggestions. Whether it is good or bad, it will naturally win his trust, give him a sense of accomplishment, and learn from each other in teaching.

(3) Improvement of temperament, thinking and emotions

After long-term contact with different people and powerful people, after absorbing experience and experiencing a good experience... Click to read the full text .

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