Who have I supported recently (111.05)

May will come to an end in a blink of an eye. I have sorted out the authors I supported with $LIKE this month and the parts I think I have gained, and shared them with you, and let me keep a record!

personal growth

@leafwind 282123 - The value of asking questions

Solving problems is of course very important, provided that there are real problems that need to be solved, but asking questions is not easy, and having an environment where you can ask questions is even more rare.

In a salaried organization, the people who complain about the problems are usually the ones who actually see the problems, and they keep complaining because there is no easy way to fix them . (Nodding like smashing garlic!!! Mmmmmmmm)

@Game♛Life  " The Role-Playing Character Setting Method of Growth Cheats"

  1. If you want to take your state to the next level, even if you want to achieve an ideal life state, just look at my method of establishing a person.

investment related

@高建建x -based-that is, our whole life is besieged by -x- without realizing it

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies offer possibilities beyond the fiat currency standard. You don't necessarily have to choose to use Bitcoin or Ethereum as the standard, but you must realize that the standard currency is not a physical necessity, but a choice of the community.
Many people think that cryptocurrencies are difficult to understand, precisely because everyone has lived within legal currency all their lives and cannot imagine the world outside the wall. No, it should be said that it is impossible to accept that there is a world outside the walls.
No, it's still wrong, I don't even know that I'm inside the wall.

The last sentence, I think the characterization is a three-pointer!

Reflection and Vigilance

@qiqi  After the crash - some thoughts and a little advice

Great post-dump review, basically pretty similar to what I had in this crash.

Don't be overly optimistic, always have a way back, and always maintain the ability to make money off the market

@白文Three words from the tsunami in the currency circle

  1. "Unpredictable in the short term, no prediction in the long term."
  2. "There are thousands of changes in investment methods, and it is more important to recognize your circle of competence."
  3. "Slowly, faster" (nine knives)

@Terence  Coin Market Tsunami No. 3

  1. There are three parts in total, and they are all very well written.
  2. "I want to be fearful when others are greedy, and I want to be greedy when others are fearful" is a statement that is essentially against logic, because you are also "others" in the eyes of others. If everyone holds this idea, it is a chicken-and-egg proposition. It is difficult to bring us a constructive strategy.
  3. Human nature is to swing between FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt).

@Reading Pen Farming  Reading Pen Farming|UST/LUNA Death Spiral Incident, Reflection After the End

  1. The ten principles of DeFi edge are perfectly and systematically classified
  2. If you were injured in this UST/LUNA incident, you can see how many of these ten you have committed.

Source of cover image: https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/327533/


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好久沒寫作啦! 筆尖(不~是手指)鈍了嗎?