<Pseudo-famous columnist> Volunteer grandpa chats: Matt city newcomers pass the secret skills~~ The savior of social hard workers


"I heard that the city of Matt is full of love and takes special care of the newcomers ." Xiaobai said angrily: "It 's a lie! No one cares about me at all, huh! The people are not coming ~~~" He came to Matt full of longing The newcomers in the city, just like this, left disappointed and lonely.

The grandfather of the volunteers observed that the attention of "Newcomer's Check-In" has indeed dropped significantly this month, and the average number of clappings is only about 20-30. I still remember that in October and November last year, as long as the newcomers clocked in and clapped their hands 100 times, it was not the same.

This is not a good phenomenon!!!

This article is to teach newcomers how to make new friends in Matt City, and help you get through this period of newbies with the highest death rate.

** Secret Skill 1 ** Send a newcomer check-in text

The example is here: #self-introduction #newcomer punchin# Mattersnewcomer punchin

The title of the article must contain the words "Newcomer Check-In"! When everyone sees it, they will get to know you, clap their hands, and leave a message. But the number of people will not be too many, because your article will soon be pushed to the back by the updated article, and others will not see it.

The point is here! Click on the notification bell, and you will know who is there to help you clap and leave a message. You can return to visit, follow, clap, and leave a message. This is the most standard starting gesture for a newcomer in Matt City.

A little old and newcomer can also send a newcomer check-in text!

Please see this successful case: ( ̄3 ̄)/Joined Matters for a month★Newcomer check-in★

** Secret Technique 2** Actively make new friends with warm ass

The newcomers will not bring too many new friends, about a dozen or so, and then you must take the initiative to make friends.

Please take a look at the basic information of the other party. For people like the above Jinchengwu Cai Jolin level, what reason do they have to pay attention to you???

Your hot face must be sticking to the cold ass!!!

Check out this one below:

Matt City Food King AT brother @atyh, you can see that the butt must be warm at a glance!

** Secret Technique 3** Ass Warming Personnel List

The following Matt Citizen's ass I've checked out and it's very enthusiastic. New people! Hurry up and track them down! Right now!

Goddess group: @张云之@泥毛宇

Male God Group: @fide @huitingman

Great God Ancestor: @Mi Gao and the puppy ThankYou @reading pen farming

Senior Group: @The Peaceful Little Swallow@Volunteer Grandpa

Young teeth group: @MiuMiu @big stool@small stool

Zhengmei Group: @evahe @A cat who can play the piano @Xuanxuan

Married wife group: @Cai Yanqiu@si Xun @MiSa

Single Hot Mom Group: @annepink Cheeky Bubble Bubble

Mom group: @Everyday has a new experience@Talala@fruit leaf schoolbag#SludgeAssociation

Fresh Meat Group: @Today Dandi Daan Store@ningxiangbai

ruffian country: @Danielson in the fairy tale kingdom of Denmark @李亚@blue sky

** Secret Technique 4** Message area list

Those who leave a message in the comment area below should generally be sure to "take care of the newcomer". Especially the "supporters" are the best citizens of Matt City! Don't think about it at all, you can quickly follow them.

Comments are important, do you know why?

Usually your articles will only appear in the "Discovery/Latest" directory. If the netizens I follow leave comments on your articles, then I will see your articles in the "Tracking/Comments" directory. Exposure increased!

** Five Secret Techniques ** Invincible Big Trick: Subscribe to Volunteer Grandpa

One-to-one teaching class, guaranteed admission to National Taiwan University Hospital!

If you subscribe to me, I will clap and leave a message for each of your articles.

See? Someone already subscribed to Volunteer Grandpa. I only charge ten, so be quick to order!


Do you think I am short of this money? I am doing this purely for merit~~~

PS. Subscription is to join Appreciation Citizen

** Secret Technique 6** Join the Appreciation Citizen

If you add an admiring citizen, your avatar will have a green circle, and everyone will definitely have a good impression of you.

At this time, you post another article saying that you have joined the Appreciation Citizen, and you are guaranteed to make a bunch of new friends.

Example: I am already a citizen of appreciation

Newcomer clearance standard

Low standard: more than 50 shots per article.

50 shots is about 50 likes. The current exchange rate conversion should be 15 Taiwan dollars, 10 articles are published a month, and the income is 150 yuan.

No? Joining the Appreciation Citizen doesn't cost you at all!

High standard: more than 100 shots per article.

As long as you survive and make friends according to my secret technique, it's not a problem at all.

As far as I know, the average monthly income of likecoin is about one thousand to several thousand Taiwan dollars.

Don't be quick to join the appreciative citizen!!! Everyone is happy!

People are not plants, who can be ruthless?

Don't you see, even the ancestral god Gao Reconstruction has left a message to@Xuanxuan!

Actually, Matt City is a blog, and that's how the blog is played.

When you pass the newcomer level and survive, you will naturally have your own set.

You don't like socializing, so you want to reduce your social time? Very good , the big brother on the other side is also living a very nourishing life.

But at the newcomer stage, I suggest that you still have to make a few friends.

We often see people move articles from Grid, Medium, and then... no more.


The novice period is the hardest! When I come to a new environment, I have no relatives, and I only know how to post articles.

I would like to appeal to the dear citizens of Matt, everyone should help the newcomers. With the continuous addition of new blood, Matt City will continue to prosper. I joined in 20200925. I remember that in October last year, 100 shots were a lot, 200 shots were rare, and 300 shots were never seen. Now? 300 shots are common, and 400 shots are rare. Everyone's income has increased.

Don't worry, inflation is not terrible, deflation is fatal.

Recommended subscription @张云志: https://liker.land/wanzhichang/civic  

For those who have too much money and nowhere to spend, please subscribe by the way @volunteergrandpa: https://liker.land/ch84700909307/civic

Donate the invoice easily! Save the old and the poor!

Volunteer grandpa in square

Volunteer Grandpa Facebook Fan Page

Volunteer grandpa is in Ruffian State


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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