First, let’s give an introductory text about the opening of Translation Fans Professional

黃懿翎 (令雨)
Although I had determined to become a translator a long time ago, I always kept it in mind because I was either studying or working. However, during the gap between job changes ten years ago, I took on some translation cases while applying for a job. Unexpectedly, It just disappeared.

The original article was published in Translation of the Taste of Human Forest

It was actually an accident that I became a full-time translator.

Although I had determined to become a translator a long time ago, I always kept it in mind because I was either studying or working. However, during the gap between job changes ten years ago, I took on some translation cases while applying for a job. Unexpectedly, It just disappeared.

I have been a full-time translator for 10 years. I have served as a special translator for Encore Films, Biodiversity Research Center of Academia Sinica, Advantage Consulting Co., Ltd., and Taiwan Church Gazette.

So far, in addition to serving as a special translator for Qalang Co., Ltd. (comics, mobile games) and Sujie Translation Co., Ltd., his translation works include film and television subtitles, website translation, ecological newsletters, study abroad documents, adoption documents, and news compilation , livestock feed, and academic papers, he has also published a number of translated books, covering areas such as Christian theology, feminism, ecological thought, environmental education, and cultural history:

📎"Sacred Ecology" (2023)

📎"The Legendary History of Gold" (2022)

📎"Establishing Boundaries for Conflict" (2022)

📎"Biblical Preaching" (2020)

📎"The Tao is in the World──Collected Works in Celebration of Pastor Song Quansheng's 90th Birthday Volume 1/2" (2019) (co-translation)

📎"Christian Mission and the Test of Discipleship - Princeton Theological Seminary Lecture 1970" (2019) (co-translation)

📎 "Missionaries Anticipating Unemployment - A Church Planting Model for Handover (2019)

📎"Wild Dogs" (2019)

📎"Dialysis of Hebrew Wisdom: Understanding Wisdom and Applying Wisdom" (2019)

📎"Taiwan Water Resources Environmental Education Curriculum Brief Guidelines Second Edition" (2018) (co-translation)

📎"2017 Guandu International Nature Art Season" (2018) (co-translation)

📎"Deaf Liberation Theology" (2018) (co-translation)

📎"Talking about Death: Rediscovering the Voice of the Church on End-of-Life Issues" (2016)

📎"Prayer Handbook for All Nations: The latest simplified version of the World Mission Handbook" (2016) (co-translation)

📎"Meeting Buddha in the Waiting Room: A Rebellious Physician's Ultimate Healing Journey" (2015)

📎"Care for the Created World: Christian Care and Action for the Environment" (2015)

📎"Think Like a Mountain" (2015)

📎Essential Guide to Feminism and Christianity (2014)

📎"Yaba's Words: Traditional Meditations of a Contemporary Atayal (English. Atayal Version)" (2009) (co-translation)

I have accumulated a lot of ideas during the translation process. After work, I also serve as a volunteer translator for the Taiwan Association for the Promotion of Animal Equality, and compile some news or online articles by myself. Friends who are interested are welcome to follow me~

*****All pictures and texts belong to the author, please do not reproduce them at will*****

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Translating the feeling of human nature

LING Baking Laboratory


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黃懿翎 (令雨)專職翻譯,出版多本譯作。翻譯・時事・戲劇・書・手作烘焙。。FB🔎【翻譯人森的滋味】:FB🔎【Ling 烘焙實驗室】IG🔎 lingbaker2020
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