What I tell myself every day

No one in this world can stop you

Recently I have read a lot about the power of words, like repeating words in my heart, giving myself a clear picture and rewriting my subconscious. By affirming, complimenting, and thanking each other to sublimate each other's relationship, reduce criticism and contempt. I've always thought of our language as a double-edged sword, it can hurt or help others depending on how we use it. Language is one of our strongest forces.

"The boundaries of my language mean the boundaries of my world." - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Do you have any experience of being motivated by language? For example, some athletes or some entrepreneurs once said, "Every negative thing, pressure, challenge, is an opportunity for me to improve." "I like other people's criticism, it makes you strong." "If There is no doubt about the importance of something, even if the whole world is not on your side, you still have to persevere.” Although these are all good, the most powerful force comes from the heart. If you can turn these famous words into What you say every day, or come up with a suitable one yourself will be better.

"If the egg breaks from an external factor nothing will happen, but if it breaks from the inside, it will be the birth of a new life."

taken from pinterest

I like a very young singing superstar in the United States. Although many people attacked her creation and behavior, she also fought back in a harder way, giving the society a window of liberation. These are the words she said "choose Shooting a pictorial for a magazine with a sexy look is to show that no one should take your respect away from you by showing your body or not showing it.” They know my songs.' No, just listen to it." "If you want plastic surgery, do it. If you want to wear a skirt, but other people think you're too big, fuck him. , just wear it! As long as you think you look good, you're good." That's Billie Eilish.

What she said was one of the most powerful words I've ever heard, and she herself knew exactly what kind of influence she had in the world, so she was under enormous pressure, as if all her words and deeds were put under a microscope Looking down, but even then she's willing to be herself, as she once said: "I don't like to play by the rules, and if someone tells me what to do, I'll do the exact opposite of what they say ”

taken from pinterest

Here's what I tell myself every day "My confidence comes from what I've been through." "I'm someone who stands up no matter how many times I fall." "Anything I do won't happen after I die. It is remembered that this allows me to use what I have and live fearlessly.”

What about you? What do you tell yourself every day? What kind of story are you talking about?


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