Goodbye Ni Kuang: Anti-Communist means to be consistent

"I don't know if I'm too old, I don't know how to be polite, I don't know what.

Ni Kuang, who was born in an intellectual, worked as a police officer, participated in the "land reform" fight against landlords, and came to Hong Kong as a refugee from the mainland, became a generation of literary heroes in a safe haven in Hong Kong. The value of Ni Kuang goes far beyond his breaking out a new path in the contemporary literary world and achieving classic characters such as "Wesley". His novels are full of warnings, satires and even prophecies about the real world. He goes on to point out the ugliness of slavery under power, he predicts that a city in the East will be destroyed by the loss of all its virtues, and he asserts that there is no hope for places governed by the Communist Party.

Ni Kuang's complete distrust of the CCP is a very distinctive feature of Ni Kuang compared with the literati of his generation. From opposing the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, not believing that the CCP will abide by the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, and not agreeing with the "return of democracy" theory, it has been consistent. Facts have also proved that the hypocrisy of the CCP is from beginning to end, and anyone who has illusions about its reforms and reforms is doomed to end in disappointment.

The democrats are in Hong Kong. From the 1980s and 1990s to the new century, there are more "patriotic democrats" in Hong Kong. They believe that the mainland will change, that the CCP will move towards democracy and openness in the direction of world civilization, and that this force will be reversed. Let the new "suzerain" give Hong Kong democracy. Because of the chanting "end one-party dictatorship", they are at peace with each other, because Hong Kong still has value to them. In addition, Deng Xiaoping, the highest authority of the CCP at the time, said that "the CCP cannot be scolded", which gave Hong Kong people the illusion that it is feasible not to love the party in the context of patriotism. However, the face of the Communist Party has not been completely torn apart. In the eyes of the CCP, patriotism must love the Party, and it will only make some compromises depending on its interests at special times. Because the CCP is essentially an evil regime, it holds vengeance narrowly, it destroys human nature, the places it rules have lost their creativity, and it cannot tolerate any freedom.

Ni Kuang's rebellion is walking in the opposite direction of these mainstream democrats, "When can the Communist Party be trusted?"

"Prostitutes are more credible than the Communist Party." Uncle Ni Kuang said with a smile, I wouldn't say such things, I respect prostitutes very much. People who are anti-communist rarely have his thorough sobriety and one-sidedness.

Ni Kuang is always smiling. He may not be as handsome as the other talents, but his introvertedness reveals a dedication to justice. He is always vigilant against power and supports young people. He does not cling to power and says To put it nicely, he is like a knight wandering in free Hong Kong. Hong Kong made him, and he went west with that Hong Kong.

He was laughing out loud in another world, with those beautiful childlike innocence and freedom, which was a pity, and it didn't seem so pity.


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