Small talk piriformis inflammation

Usually doing more stretching of the piriformis muscle and exercising the core is good for the body~ Don't be like me.... It only starts after the pain....

...Last Thursday...Suddenly I felt a strange feeling between my left waist and buttocks...

But bear it!

Just.... when I stand up, I can't straighten my waist a bit...

I can bear it! Say so to yourself!

Feeling better on Friday? As long as I endure the three seconds of standing up, I can act normally without doing anything! So that night, I followed the schedule at the beginning and climbed the sixth floor to do the cleaning with everyone....

And then.... I'm useless...

The hand is sore because of excessive exertion. It will be fine as long as you rest for two days, but...the pain between the left waist and buttock is very painful ΩДΩ

It hurts to the point of tears..., I can't straighten my waist when I stand up.... Something is pressing on the nerves... I can only lie down and rest, the problem... One can't keep going Lying down.... I have to go to the toilet even if I don't eat or drink (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I finally struggled and endured the pain..., I have to sit on the toilet again...., Sit down... and then we're going to stand up again (crying)....

The worst time is when I want to get up from the bed, it hurts so much that I lie back immediately, and then I try to get up at the angle of the bridge and grit my teeth...

Although theoretically, after walking a few steps while holding something in pain, the pain will disappear instantly as if the tendon is being ground to another angle, but..., the pain in the middle can make me decide not to eat or drink... ..

Because of the pain point and the way it hurts, I'm sure what's piriformis muscle is inflamed....

The next few days are hot compresses to deepen and develop, and stretches frantically before getting up. Doing three sets will significantly improve when you get up!

In this way, after hot compress + stretching + medicine cloth + rest..., the pain level was finally reduced on Monday. Yesterday there was almost only a brief tingling, and today there is only occasional discomfort....

In addition to not exercising the core properly, I think the biggest reason for all of this is that..., I sat still for too long a few days ago.... Even if I sit for too long, it's not average. ...., in the end, it was due to the prolonged pressure from poor posture, which led to this hardship, and the reason why I sat for so long was....

I engraved the four gentlemen of plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum....

Because it is rare for everyone to read together and it is effective, I made a paper record of each reading meeting. The pure record is a bit monotonous. It happened that this book can be divided into four parts, so I thought..., get four title pages, Grab the outline of these four paragraphs, and make some decorations in the blank~

I originally wanted to use paper cutting, but my eyes told me it was easy, my hands told me I couldn’t do it ( ´Д`)y━・~~

That subtle part was broken as soon as I cut it..., and finally I had to change it to a paper carving method...

To be will break...but...., it's pasted anyway.... In theory, it won't be found if you don't look carefully.... Although the bamboo picture is not connected Well...the top bamboo branch is definitely broken...but that's ok! We just fill up with a red pen, or keep it as a kind of incomplete beauty!

The point is that I really can't do it all at once....

Let's take a look at the results this time....

Bamboo and Orchids
plum and chrysanthemum

Finally, don't sit for a long time... and pay attention to the usual sitting and standing posture..., the pain is really uncomfortable (╥﹏╥)

By the way, I haven't done the cover yet..., this time I will try to see the window grilles of the simple beginner version... I will tell you if it is successful~


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