

Everyone in the world knows that the emperor of the Han Dynasty, Man, insulted Confucianism, but not everyone knew that he also paid respects to Confucius.

The book of Han records that he won the last expedition. He was old and sick. In November of that year, he traveled from Huainan and returned. After crossing Lu, he used a large prison to worship Confucius" ("Han Book"). "Big Wind Song", generously sad, until tears. He also said, "Emperor Qin Shi, King Chen She of Chu Yin, King Wei Anli, King Qi Jin, and King Zhao Miaoxiang all have no descendants, and each has ten families of Shouzhong, twenty families of Emperor Qin, and five families of Wei Gongzi Wuji. ” It seems that in the dark, I remembered the past years, the names that have passed away, the chorus of those heroes against Qin, it seems that they are no longer so diametrically opposed, myself and them are just people in history who will pass away.

Back in Guanzhong the following year, he passed away.

When he was about to die, his mind was still clear. Facing Empress Lv's inquiries, it was as if Guan Zhong answered Duke Huan of Qi and explained everything clearly.

The good doctor said that he could cure the disease, but Liu Bang still had the true qualities of a ranger back then, and scolded:

"I use my cloth to lift three feet to take over the world, is this not the destiny of heaven? My destiny is in the sky, what's the benefit of being a flat magpie!"

Give the money away.

Even an ordinary person knows that he wants to live and not die, not to mention the emperor who controls the four seas? But he still didn't fall in love with it. Compared with Ying Zheng of the previous generation, Liu Che, his descendant, was indeed a real hero.

Life and death are the hardest.

Today, it seems that even if Qin Shihuang’s tomb was not stolen, it was only a flesh and blood bag. It was a coffin for thousands of generations. After all, it would not change the complete demise of the one and two empires. Promise not leather", has long since turned into a cloud of smoke. Now the engravings are still there, but in those eloquent poems, there are only ten residual characters, "Si, Chen, Go, Sickness, Ignorance, Death, Chen, Please, You, Chen".

Who can how?

In the Qing Dynasty, "A Dream of Red Mansions" wrote several small characters, such as Ni Er and Jia Yun, who are quite chivalrous. The critique says:

Once I read "Drunken King Kong", I had to eat Liu Xuan Dan's Hawthorn Pill and smiled. In the past 30 years, there are many people who have met King Kong, and there are also many who are not as good as King Kong. I regret that it is inconvenient to write down the taboos in the book. Renwu Mengxia.

There is another batch of words:

The writing "Drunken King Kong" is one of the great purification fields in the book, which wakes up the eyes and ears of the officials. However, there is also an indispensable text in the book, an indispensable person. Today, it is written on the people of the market, and the word "Xia" is added, which has a profound meaning.

Descendants who wrote sequels often hated Baoyu for being unwilling, letting Qunfang wander in vain, and crying all the way, but they don't know how if the author planned to write such a fortune and become wealthy, how could Baoyu not be Jia Yun and turn into "Dream of Red Mansions" What about "The Legend of Heroes and Heroes" and "The Legend of Awakening Marriage"?

The later chapters that are now lost cannot be found (God knows), but through the comments, we can also know that there are still some deeds that are worthy of justice and wealth, and not just some embarrassed brothers and sisters. Baoyu gave up her hands, although there was a ruthless fetus, but such characters as Grandma Liu, Jia Yun, and Ni Er still retained the complexity of the human world.

Just as Jia Yun's inner evaluation of Ni Er: "Although Ni Er is a rascal and scoundrel, he has the reputation of a righteous hero. If you don't accept his love today, I'm afraid he will be embarrassed. It’s better to borrow from him, and pay him back even more.” In the old days, the scoundrels were often outsiders and not inwards, and had their own sense of etiquette. This "because of people" not only expresses the hatefulness of such people, but also makes it clear the loveliness of such people.

Such as Zhuanzhu, Yaoli, Nie Zheng, the so-called assassins; such as Zhu Jia, Tian Zhong, Ju Meng, and Guo Jie, the so-called rangers, in fact, what we know today as "the great hero" has long been a modernized definition. The Ranger is precisely a character like "Drunken King Kong" Ni Er. He usually does things that are on the edge of the law, but he maintains a unique morality.

Before the incident, Liu Bang was such a ranger. He was able to see the situation at the time at the door of Lord Xinling, and returned to Feng Peng, but he did so and became a ranger in the region. Although he didn't have the power and money of Lord Xinling, he still became the eldest brother among his brothers, and he treated him like Yong Tooth and Lu Wan, all of which were the behavior of the eldest brother and the younger brother, not the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers.

When Taishigong wrote such a character back then, he had to biography independently, and he had his own reasons why he had to write it.

Just like the Qin Dynasty ruled the world, Chen Wu attacked, and the six kingdoms disturbed, but the people who really destroyed the Qin Dynasty were the descendants of the generals of the state of Chu, and the rangers of the prosperous little officials. Suppressed by cruel officials and ruled by law.

To kill to stop killing, but save for a while. The existence of "Xia" stems from the injustice in reality. The so-called "I have sharpened my sword in ten years, but I have never tried the frost blade. Today, I will show the king, who will be injustice?" But if the morality on this earth is also depressed, just like back then The Tiandihui turned into the Hong Gang, and turned into a triad, so the so-called chivalrous character was no longer under its banner.

Throughout the ages, those who have caused troubles have often called the destiny, and where the destiny is, lies in the hearts of the people.

If Jia Yun can know Ni Er, then Ni Er will call him "Jia Er Ye".

If the author of "A Dream of Red Mansions" was Baoyu in the first half of his life, he must be a first-class figure in Jia Yun in the second half of his life. Life is down and out, not in talent. During the reign of Emperor Yongqian, there was a reason for having to be distressed, and there must be no writing, no doing, no crying, no laughing, and finally, the fate of this "Dream of Red Mansions" was achieved out of control.

The Great Wilderness Mountain and the Qinggeng Peak, although they are nothing, they sing with the abundance of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the palace is dying. Where is the truth and where is the false?

"History is formed by people's actions, and must be accumulated over time. The history of the later period must have been prepared for the beginning of the previous period. There is no way to cut off the previous generation completely and create a new generation. Not only political and social various The group career is like this. The birth of the most special character in history has also been modeled by the previous era, and it has been roughly determined. In other words, characters are produced in history, and cannot be separated from history to suddenly appear a character. This is especially true of the greatest and most outstanding characters in history.” (Qian Mu, “General Meaning of Chinese Academics: History in Chinese Cultural Tradition”)

I quote this passage, not in the meaning of this passage, but in connection with the so-called "Tui Bei Tu". Who has not longed for this mysterious speculation? The urgent desire for the future stems from various unsatisfactory things in the world, and this unsatisfactory is precisely the "injustice". The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking. This is how the human heart transfers destiny, and the change of destiny may also be here. Just like Qin Shihuang's taboo "Hu" and Tang Taizong's taboo "Wu", the stories are not necessarily fictional, but why do people spread such stories later? Just as in historical research, it is necessary to distinguish between true and false, and to distinguish the age, but the real material has a role, and the false material can also be based on. The key is to confirm the "false" of its falsehood. The story does not necessarily have to be taken seriously, but the so-called story is actually a prophecy of history, called the ruler and minister behind the soul.

In this way, Liu Bang is reckless, but still does not lose the true character of a great hero.

Destiny is in the sky, although Bian Que is good!

Xiang Yu's words, if you listen to them at this time, wouldn't it be a rather intriguing comparison?

In this way, Liu Bang is more worthy of the "beginning" of history than the so-called "first emperor".


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silm喜愛讀書,喜愛詩,更喜歡哪個? [大家不用困惑,我關注和拍手都是很隨性的,不用一定回拍,也不用一定回關。因為我是把追蹤作為一個個人閲讀器,不定期梳理,隨着自己的關注變化,關注再取關,取關又關注。所以不要困擾,都好,都好,大家一切都好。^_^]
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