Self-cooking diary. July | I haven't posted in Matt for a while!

巫佳佳 Wjj
I was really busy with work a while ago, and I really didn’t have the energy to post.

I was really busy with work a while ago, and I really didn’t have the energy to post.
I'm here to pay the self-cooking diary for July~~
ps. I haven't been to Matt City for a while, it seems that there are a lot of updates!


Since I received a tragic medical examination report at the end of April this year, in order to control my diet, I began to practice cooking by myself. Just in mid-May, in response to the level 3 epidemic prevention, I started working from home, and the frequency of cooking has increased significantly. Recording what I cook and eat every day has become the fun of staying at home^^

The self-cooking diary will be updated monthly to simply record my self-cooking life~ You are also welcome to share your menu and recipes with me!

Self-cooking diary. May
Self-cooking diary. June

Introducing the IKEA divider plate

July self-cooking diary

Blog original link (the picture is clearer)


Welcome to read articles through my tags 😊
#jiajia's food sharing
#jiajialife experience
#jiajia's travel record
#jiajiamood essay
#jiajia's drawing time

Personal blog Wjj. Petty bourgeoisie


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

巫佳佳 Wjj你好,我是巫佳佳。 是一個8字頭的普通小資女,人生志向是做個快樂滿足的小米蟲,這裡紀錄了我的生活隨手日常。 Wjj。小資米蟲的隨手日常
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心情隨筆|拍影片拍上癮XD 15秒小短片~