【His diary】Love at first sight and love for a long time

How long is the "first sight" referred to by "love at first sight"? a second? three seconds? Or thirty seconds? If I fall in love with someone "at first sight", it should be because of a certain quality of that person that makes me preconceived.

One day, Xiao Bawang suddenly asked me, if I fell in love with someone in the future, would it be "love at first sight" or "love for a long time"?

How long is the "first sight" referred to by "love at first sight"? a second? three seconds? Or thirty seconds?

In fact, human beings always have unexplainable and affectionate preferences for certain people or things.

If I fall in love with someone "at first sight", it should be because of a certain quality of that person that makes me preconceived.

I once read an article that "love at first sight" can be explained physiologically. Everyone has their own unique smell, and the genes in humans, like other mammals, will attract the opposite sex through body odor.

Could this be "pheromones"?

I heard that there is something called "exposure effect" in psychology. People tend to have an inclination towards people or things they often meet or come into contact with, and they tend to develop good impressions and preferences.

If I can meet someone who can make me fall in love at first sight, get along with each other for a long time, have passion and can understand each other, trust each other and have common memories and experiences, it will be perfect!

Does this person really exist?

Source of inspiration: https://www.getit01.com/p201806012530126/

Image source: https://tinyrituals.co/blogs/tiny-rituals/8-gemstones-that-will-manifest-the-love-life-of-your-dreams


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我的平行世界夢鄉與生活,幻想與現實; 感覺與感受,回憶與記憶; 一切和平共存…… 封面圖: https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p081y2qm/could-deja-vu-be-a-window-into-a-parallel-universe-
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