Exercise Log - July 3

It was my first parent-child yoga class with my daughter, which was a new experience. . .

July 3

1 In view of the fact that yesterday's abdominal muscle training was interrupted by two daughters in the middle, and was forced to interrupt, I decided to get up early this morning to do it once, and I was still thinking about the three words of the title "vest line".

The intensity of this abdominal muscle training is really high. It lost to the two movements of "Climber" and "30-degree cross kick". The next few movements were barely able to be done, but the speed could not keep up with the host. After finishing the work, I was very tired, and I couldn't help but take a rest.

2 After the rest, do 5 minutes of leg stretches. After doing high-intensity abdominal muscle training, you will feel that this leg exercise is a little easier.

3 Then, do 5 minutes of arm movement. Halfway through, Amei woke up and came to the phone between me and me. While preventing Amei's harassment, she continued to follow the video. Well, I just want to do some exercise quietly and attentively, okay?

4. 200 times of cycling in the air. I did 2 times in the morning, and my legs were a little sore after the exercise. Should be doing another 200 before going to bed tonight.

At 5 pm, I went to a parent-child yoga class with my sister. I have attended a yoga class before, but today is the first time I have attended it with my daughter, which is a new experience. After class, ask my sister if it's fun? She replied that it was fun because she could sit on my back (help me stretch) and let me support her with my feet. These two moves are the easiest for her and, unsurprisingly, her favorite.

Photo from kindomliving.com.tw

6 Gaying on the same scene, in the morning, Amei successfully went to the toilet for the first time to defecate! The silly mother was so happy and excited that she almost wanted to use her phone to take a picture of the shit. Dad told the silly mom to calm down, so that the shit was covered in the coffin (toilet board) and rested in prayer (flushed away).

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