If you do not rejoice in life, you will have no fear in death.

Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, I can't help but sigh!

This is an article I wrote while waiting for a return visit...  

"Zhuangzi · Joy"

 When Zhuangzi's wife died, Huizi hung her, and Zhuangzi sat on the drum basin and sang. Huizi said, "It's enough to live with people, the eldest son is old, and it's enough not to cry when he dies, but it's not enough to sing while drumming a bowl!"

Zhuangzi said: "No. If you look at the beginning, there is no life. It is not just that there is no life and there is no form. It is not that there is no form and there is no qi. It is mixed with light and suddenly. Now that I'm dying again, it's the four seasons of spring, autumn, winter, and summer. People are sleeping in a giant room, and I'm crying, I think I can't understand my life, so I stop."

Slightly translated:

When Zhuangzi's wife passed away, Huizi went to express his condolences, but saw Zhuangzi singing and did not agree with this behavior.

However, Zhuangzi said something that penetrated life and death, and came to share it with Huizi. The death of a person is like the change of seasons, coming and going, because seeing through, can crying really change anything?

The last article wrote about the bald leisurely.

This article is about life and death.

Just because of what I got in the hospital? Is there any abnormality in the body? Haven't entered yet, don't know, don't know!


Remember Japan's No. 1 before?

After being immersed in water again, it becomes......

The strain is very fast, I bought the red-tailed fox and the elf

I also reminded myself again and again that immersion in water should be controlled, and in the middle, the elf blossomed, and I was really happy. Finally got rid of the name of plant killer.

Looking at these lovely air pineapples every day, my heart is infinitely happy~~

As everyone knows, the killer is still the killer!

In the past two days, suddenly

Invariably, the two plants agreed at the same time... yellow and withered

When I was sitting in the clinic waiting, I suddenly felt that Zhuangzi's insight could be like this for his relatives; but me? I still miss this air pineapple! !

What joy in life, what fear in death! Looks like I still have a long way to go!

Let's see more meat this time......

Hello! It's too much tone!

Sadness is not my style, I always keep happy, I hope everyone who reads the text is all ^_^

I like the lotus combination!

Hope there will be no more eulogy~~~(◠‿◕)

Thanks for watching~


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