【Her Diary】School Beauty

Their love for me has covered up all my shortcomings... If I was really born to be a little beauty and so pleasing to the people, why didn't my father want me in the first place?

That day, my brother came to me early in the morning and asked: "Did you watch it, honey?"

Before I had time to react, I had already sat in front of the computer and linked to the voting website for the "2000 School Beauty Election".

I have always looked at this election with the mentality of a bystander. Anyway, I have graduated and cannot be nominated or be a nominee. I should have landed safely and can watch from the other side...

"The website has just been launched for one night, and your votes have almost reached 300!"

What happened? Who nominated me?

Three hundred votes? Isn't it almost half way?

"Brother! Are you buying votes?" I really had zero reaction time to say this...otherwise, how could it be possible?

Growing up, every time my elders saw me they would politely say that I am more beautiful the older I am, but I never felt that I could be called "pretty". Although my uncle said that I look like my mother, to me, my mother is of course the most beautiful woman in the world, not only because of her beauty, but also because of her unique temperament. I didn't have the opportunity to see or feel it with my own eyes, but based on the photos and videos she left behind, her charm was already overflowing. My mother certainly deserved the title of "School Beauty" for five consecutive years, but how could I be so virtuous?

Brother has always wondered why I have no confidence in my appearance...

Because I have never considered other people's so-called "compliments" about my appearance to be true.

Brother scolded me: "Do you think I have been lying in front of you for more than ten years?"

Of course, the compliments given to me by my uncle, aunt, brother, and even grandma, uncle, and aunt are sincere, because I know that I am their little treasure and heartthrob. No matter what I look like, in their eyes, I am still a person. Little beauty. Their love for me has covered up all my shortcomings...

If I was really born to be a little beauty and so pleasing to people, why didn't my father want me in the first place?

Looks beautiful, is it useful?

Image source: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/golden-beauty-queen-crown-logo-542909455


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我的平行世界夢鄉與生活,幻想與現實; 感覺與感受,回憶與記憶; 一切和平共存…… 封面圖: https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p081y2qm/could-deja-vu-be-a-window-into-a-parallel-universe-
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