I solved the Li Jiaqi paradox|The curse of knowledge|June 4th paradox|Let's talk about Mary


Everyone should know about Li Jiaqi a few days ago. I remember Wang Ju once said in his program that Li Jiaqi's team did not realize that their actions violated the political red line, which was a big mistake. I believe that the first impression of many people is similar to that of Wang Ju. Is it because Li Jiaqi's team did not subscribe to your Wang Ju's program? Of course not! Some netizens put forward the statement of "Li Jiaqi paradox", which is the so-called **** you must understand all the political restricted areas in order not to touch the political restricted areas. ****The point of contradiction here is and, when you understand all the political restricted areas, you have already touched the restricted areas. As for whether or not to show it is another matter. But the authorities hope you don't understand, but precisely because you don't understand, it is easy to step on thunder everywhere, which becomes a paradox, such as the three-minute incident of Sai Lei some time ago. It seems that the Li Jiaqi incident is a paradox, but from a macro level, Li Jiaqi's behavior is an inevitable result, and it has a milestone significance for breaking the Li Jiaqi paradox. Today we will prove that the Li Jiaqi paradox is actually solvable.

Hello everyone, I'm Marley, this is a small channel that advocates thinking and tearing fifty cents by hand. In each issue, we will combine a political and economic case to discuss the reasons behind him and different thinking dimensions.

Before talking about this topic, let's imagine if you often encounter such a scene in your life: if you are a parent of a student, when you help your child with homework, sometimes you can't help yelling at your child, obviously a Very simple questions or simple truths, after you have told him many times, he seems to understand, but after a while, he forgets to go out of Jiuxiaoyun, and he will make the same mistake next time. Or you and your partner are mostly okay, but he keeps doing things that leave you very speechless, like when you find out your girlfriend (or boyfriend) is pink, or the one who thinks you Brainwashed that pink. Often when this happens, many people will be very frustrated and speechless. Chicken soup masters or psychologists will often tell you that you need to learn to think in a different position, and to think from the perspective of the other person with empathy, but in fact, even if you try to think in a different position, you may not be able to. It is a pain and torture for oneself to fully understand each other, and even think in a different position. Why is this so? It's because we've fallen into a cognitive illusion known as the "curse of knowledge."

The so-called "curse of knowledge" refers to the fact that people can easily bring their own cognition and judgment into the cognition of others, mistakenly thinking that what they think is obvious, others should be able to understand or persuade others. Therefore, the "curse of knowledge" here is not that you know something more than others, but that after you know something, it is difficult to understand the other person with the mentality of not knowing. In the same way, it is difficult for people who do not know something to understand the feelings of those who know it. For each other, it's like being cursed by "knowledge".

If you still don't know what the "curse of knowledge" is, I will give you another example and you will realize it. Magic is an example of using the "curse of knowledge" to work. Many magic principles are actually not difficult. After being cleverly designed by magicians, it is difficult for audiences to figure out why this happens. But once the audience understands the principle of magic, the previous sense of mystery disappears, and they even feel that they were so stupid in the first place, and they begin to disdain for those who don't know the principle yet.

So here, Wang Bureau has committed the fallacy of "the curse of knowledge". He believes that Li Jiaqi's team should do some homework to understand the relevant background so that they will not be bombed. However, on the contrary, the approach of Li Jiaqi's team is reasonable. Note that "reasonable" here does not mean optimal, but in line with existing logic. Why do I say this, you will naturally understand when you see it in the end.

Socrates famously said, "The only thing I know is that I know nothing". This sentence, in turn, means that an ignorant person cannot know that he is ignorant. There's really no disparagement here, but rather a statement of the fact that people really don't know they don't know something, or really don't understand it. The main factor for this is that, in addition to the closure of information, it is also related to the working mode of the brain. Here we focus on the latter, because sometimes even when information is free, the brain still selectively accepts and processes information.

Let's imagine another scene. I believe that many otaku have lusted after their goddess and highly stimulating pictures during adolescence, and they are very real and engaging, right? If you were to use a pen to draw the graceful and seductive posture of the goddess right away, I believe that few people can draw it, unless you can draw. So the drawing skills here are not only related to your imagination, but also whether you have received such exercise and/or training. That is to say, unless someone teaches you or you have deliberately practiced it yourself, it is impossible for ordinary people to effectively complete a relatively high-quality painting. In the same way, for the brain, the most comfortable state is to store information, not to store skills or process information, and this "information" is reflected in daily life, which is "common sense". The so-called common sense basically does not require too much thinking. Even in this era of excess information, a lot of our "common sense" has been cloud-based, including Google, Baidu, mobile phones, and even the country to help me remember this common sense. The general operation of society does depend on some common sense accumulated by people, such as family relations, workplace relations, and international relations. If you meet people who are cognitively consistent and conform to common sense, you will feel comfortable, which is why people like to look for the stratosphere. For example, users of station B and Weibo think they are the information center of the whole universe, and there is no doubt about it.

American German-American writer Milton Meyer wrote a book in the 1950s called "They Think They're Free: Germans from 1933 to 1945", in which 10 ordinary people from 1933 to 1945 were recorded. The story of the Germans, they are just ordinary workers such as teachers, cooks, accountants, etc., and these people are usually quality and educated, and they are very amiable big brothers and big sisters in life. They have one thing in common: deep I love my country dearly. Hitler's presence gave these decent jobs, decent income, the ability to travel abroad at any time, and some with their own personal cars. They are all grateful for the good policies of the Party, which allowed the country to come out of the Great Depression, and that everyone has such a happy life. Even they did not know that there was a genocide. Are you saying there is something wrong with these people's ideas? Did they not see the situation clearly? No, in a sense, their feelings are real, and they love this country and this era from the heart. Can you say that their cognitive water quality is worse than that of people in other western countries? No, only because the society in which they live provides them with a stable and prosperous common sense that is comfortable and satisfying. So in a sense, for Germans before 1945, this kind of life was really enough. You ask them to question whether the Führer has selfish intentions and whether he has done shameful things. It is indeed a cognitive bias from the perspective of God or the curse of knowledge. But for the German people after 1945, they can realize that we all thought we were free before.

In the cognitive system of the average Chinese, as long as one can abide by the law, it is a kind of common sense. Because he can bring you a stable and comfortable life, most of the time, these common senses can support the operation of this social system. The crux of the problem here is that, for a totalitarian state or a society dominated by unspoken rules, some common sense is actually unequal between those in power and the common people, and the scope of this common sense depends entirely on the definition of those in power. Ordinary people can only face common sense in a way that they can understand. Li Jiaqi's incident has also made a misunderstanding of "the curse of knowledge" for the authorities. On the one hand, he believes that ordinary people should have basic political consciousness and political sensitivity. Type, don't appear what shouldn't appear, don't say what shouldn't be said. On the other hand, they are unwilling or afraid to tell the common people their cognitive standards, so that the common people can be trained in political sensitivity. Therefore, the so-called Li Jiaqi paradox appears here. The reason for Li Jiaqi's ignorance is the so-called basic ignorance formed in the whole society after constantly covering up the truth and in a comfortable environment, and this ignorance has become a kind of social common sense.

From this matter alone, Li Jiaqi's approach is a kind of cognition that conforms to common sense, but the blow to him is undoubtedly a dimensionality reduction, and there is almost no power to fight back. On the surface, it is a "curse of knowledge". However, compared with the infighting of the vicious dogs suffered by Sai Lei, Lang Xianping, Wuhe Qilin, etc., Li Jiaqi's encounter may be more representative of most of the realists or small fortunate factions in the wall, giving more thoughtful and boring People who have made a fortune sounded the alarm. Don't think that you are free, and don't think that you can stay safe by obeying some social common sense. Chinese social rules like to talk about a word called "emotional intelligence". It seems to be a kind of social skill, but in fact it is just a kind of pretended tacit understanding between ignorant people. You may be able to use emotional intelligence to get some points of the other party by chance. , but in a society dominated by unspoken rules, any common sense is fragile, cannot stand the verification of facts, and is essentially a "curse of knowledge".

Let's go back to Li Jiaqi's incident again. I see many people outside the wall commenting on this kind of thing with a lively and high-pitched attitude. What you know, maybe a billion people in China don't know, it's not They don't want to know, but they just don't have the conditions and ability to know, so they don't have to have any sense of superiority. Didn't you understand some truths only after you overcame the wall? The Li Jiaqis are just another time-space version of some Germans in Meyer's "They Think They're Free."

Therefore, the practical significance of Li Jiaqi's paradox is that it is actually convergent, and the effect he produces is better than any truth published by foreign forces. No matter which direction the parties go to, it has greatly activated the curiosity of the common people, and may start to think and question the rationality and legitimacy of the previous common sense. This is definitely something that Iron Fist does not want to see. Among the paradoxes of the United States, there will be more and more demand for footstones in the future, which is definitely greater than that of the United States. The end result is to let more people know about the political exclusion zone, and let more people get out of the "curse of knowledge", just like the Germans after World War II. Therefore, the emergence of Li Jiaqi's paradox itself accelerated his disintegration, which is undoubtedly a success in terms of chess theory. I would like to give a big praise to the Cyberspace Administration of China!

Well, that's it for today's sharing. What do you think about Li Jiaqi? What other examples of the curse of knowledge have you found? Welcome to the message area to tell me. If you want to watch more useful and interesting anti-brainwashing videos, you can click the category list at the bottom of the screen. If you think this video is helpful to you, please subscribe, like, share and support. I'm Marley, see you next time, bye.


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