If you want to sacrifice and suspect that the king is here, Tianya weeps at this time.

What is death like? I can't describe it, I only know that it is a deep yearning~

Zhang Ji - Tang Dynasty

In the previous year, the monthly branch was cut, and there were no full divisions in the city.
Fan Han broke the news and parted.
No one collects the waste account, and returns to the horse to recognize the disabled flag.
If you want to sacrifice and suspect that the king is here, Tianya weeps at this time.

This poem is about the war between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo, which caused the separation of friends. I know the end of the old friend in my heart. I want to pay tribute but hope that the old friend is still there, so I can only cry to the sky. I use this poem as the title to not talk about the cruelty of war. These last two sentences are a reflection of my mood. For death!

Torrential rain, or heavy rain? I don't know that this idiom has made me stagnant for more than ten years, persistent for more than ten years, and now I can't call it back.

I didn't expect the use of an idiom to make me feel deeply regretful!

He is my college junior. He has nearly total blindness in one eye and amblyopia in one eye.

He was the only junior who saw me cry, when I went through a mutiny.

He was the only junior who attended my wedding. With the only sight he had left, he brought the only blind junior who had seen me cry, and the two of them attended my wedding like this.

Then he said, " You're busy enough, don't worry about us, we'll be there !"

I have had a good relationship with him since I was a student. When I was studying Western History, he was shy. As a freshman, he directly chose the sophomore class and reported in two groups. When he finished this course, he said, " Thank you . You find my partner and let me know that it is not so scary to report to the stage! "

When he was in the club, he served as the chairman of the club for visually impaired students, but when he ran away, the president left social affairs, and after successfully completing the mission of the camp, he said, " Thank you for helping us like this, although I know that you are actually doing it for your girlfriend (girlfriend). Temporarily appointed as vice president)!”

Walking into the golf course at night, taking them who hadn't climbed over the wall, hiding from the guard's inspection, he was in a cold sweat after the fright and said, " Thank you for taking us to do this, something we may never be able to do in our lifetime! "

We have talked a lot, but the eldest of the family was born. When sharing the joy of picking up the child on the blog, an idiom made us lose contact!

I wrote this in the Facebook community:

 I'm sorry, I wasn't sure about such a friendship!
Because the heavy rain on the blog is still the heavy rain. If I am still here, when you are lost, at least I have my shoulders to carry you! You can rely on it!

Always remember the last dialogue with the student:

"It rained heavily that day..." I described with such excitement.

"No, it's torrential rain." The junior replied.

"Is it that serious? I just want to share this joy with you. Is it that serious to use the wrong idiom?"

The younger brother has been missing for more than four years, leaving behind all the documents and all the money around him.

Without explanation, without words, it just disappeared!

The police couldn't find him either, and the family decided that he was too sad because of the death of his mother, and that he probably ended his life.

It turned out that I was so frightened and shocked by death. They once said, "I will be a neighbor with Xiao ㄌㄨˋ ㄌㄨˋ in the future, and he will always take care of us..." Now...

If you want to sacrifice and suspect that the king is here, Tianya weeps at this time.

When I found out that my younger brother was missing, I flipped through him and gave me a graduation gift. He kept the photocopies of the journals I edited and the photos of my activities in the club.... I knew that the disappearance was just my own deception. Own!

I cried. I went outside without telling my family. The tears could not be stopped. If I had been there, I would have been able to hold him, just like when I was a mutiny, he carried me quietly beside me. When I got married, I faced all odds. Participate in....etc.

What is death like? I can't describe it, I only know that it is a deep yearning~

A year has passed, and I still can't find out about you. This article is not a one-way ticket, because I will also take her to find you. This article is not about death, but about missing! Yaomin, I miss you~~

I learned about this news in November last year. At that time, I didn't know how to post videos, but now I will. This "farewell" song is for those you miss!

@小阳星和心-The tea I miss my mother.

@Angela Chen - Sister Angel's treasure box.

@NUTRITION食乐-Amy 's thoughts on her mother.

@VC-Senior 's thoughts on the passing of his boss in the United States.

@LilyChen - lily's own beliefs about her illness.

@Song of the Forest - The storyteller's memory of his brother.

@Azure Sky-Wei Lan saw the sadness of her colleague's departure on Facebook.

@Flora Whimsy - Flora's remembrance of a lost cat.

Brother Biao's thoughts on Mamma's departure.

Here are a few articles that I have seen that moved me in my memory. My brother @Jeffrey can invite them to contribute. Death is solemn. Red's original intention is not to let people use death to solicit papers, but to let you see that death gives How strong people miss!

Above, if you have any thoughts on this title, if you read the article, please write down this miss together!

I would like to ask you to directly give the reward to the younger brother Kang to @石哥, let him inherit this kindness and help those in need, thank you~


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