The matter of "seeking the author's consent before reprinting an article" will always be so difficult for some citizens of the so-called state of etiquette

Photo by Meg Jerrard on Unsplash

Benlu Snake is a writer who writes essays, general essays, reading experience, and travel notes. For every 500 words produced, he has to comb through and compare a large amount of materials, not trying to be prolific and fast, or forcing himself to compare those things for fifteen minutes. Authors who write thousands of words in depth. Even with the works produced in this way, I am not necessarily very satisfied, and there is still room for revision, but I have always worked hard to write them.

Even if the writing is not good, it does not mean that the article is reproduced without my consent. Besides, if you want to reprint my text, it naturally means that my writing has a certain quality. It shouldn't be difficult to find Cathy Tsai | Cai Kaixi's contact information on the Internet, but I really can't understand why some citizens of the country on the other side, known as the country of etiquette, don't send a letter to say hello before coming to reprint.

I don't have that kind of American or Japanese time. I often search the Internet for my writings to see if they have been reprinted incessantly, and I will find that they are stolen by accident.

For example, the reading experience of the book "Leftover Women in China" first published in "Story Studio" in 2015 was stolen by the famous content farm "Daily Toutiao" on the other side the following year.

That is to say, I only found out at the end of 2019 that the article was stolen by "Daily Toutiao". After I took a screenshot and backed up, they quickly removed the article. It can be seen that if I carefully check each of my works on the Internet, it should be very exciting if they are reproduced without consent.

It was just last weekend, when I was talking with teacher@张云志, I wanted to revise the article "History of Western Travel Guides" that was first published on the Medium platform, and then repost it on Matters, and then I found it again inadvertently, on the other side. There is a website called "Buy the Wrong" that has stolen this article.

The title of the stolen article found by Google looks like this:

Itchy hands clicked in to see, it was exactly what we wrote in my original text, even a picture is not bad! Before leaving a message asking the other party to withdraw the text, I backed up everything.

Although I did not forget to use via Cathy Tsai to link to my original text at the end of the article, indicating that I am the original work, but transfer. load. Finish. Complete. No. Come. sign. beg. I. of. same. meaning. oh!

Because the article is still being revised, I will not post screenshots of all backups here! Sure enough, after I reported it, through Google's search and click, the pirated text disappeared quickly and became the following status:

I don't know if I can still see the article in the wall, I'm too lazy to change the VPN to try! In short, every once in a while, it is very helpless to know that the work is being reprinted continuously.

As long as I find stolen articles in the future, I will take screenshots and backup them to make an article like this. See how many you can accumulate.

I love backups! ! !

Make up a hexagram. Two years ago, a Chinese doctoral student from the National Development Institute of China wrote to me. In the letter of two or three hundred words, he praised my dissertation. In fact, he asked me if I could send him a PDF of the full text. , but I didn't agree. The reply stated the reason for the refusal and asked him to go to the National Library to check the published paper copies. The tone of his reply to me later was not so good.

Fortunately, I didn't agree at the beginning, otherwise my blog that was written in bits and pieces (revision and submission are currently on hold), I don't know what strange website on the other side will be placed for people to pay for download; or under some flyover Storytellers, divide the article into nine paragraphs, and take turns talking every day about how ugly the paper is.


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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