Read|Disintegration Summary

This is a poisonous and dangerous book that can open your eyes, but also make you sink and lose control.

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Summary of disintegration

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Summary of disintegration

Philosophy and prostitution

A philosopher who has turned away from systems and superstitions, but still insists on walking on the world's roads, should learn the Pyrrhonism of the streets from the least dogmatic creatures in the world-the prostitutes. Detached from everything yet open to everything; fully accepting of customers' emotions and opinions; changing her tone and face for each different occasion; always ready to be sad or happy, because it doesn't matter to her; sighing generously out of business considerations; Casting an enlightened and false eye on the person next to her who is sincerely prostrate and busy in pursuit of pleasure - this kind of behavioral example she provides to the spirit is completely comparable to that of a wise man. Prostitution, like philosophy, is on the fringes of society, and the highest teaching of prostitution, the sober-minded wandering academy, is to have no faith in others or in oneself. "Everything I know is learned from the teachings of girls." A thinker who accepts everything but rejects everything should sigh like this. Especially when, like them, he has specialized in tired smiles, when people are just customers to him, and the streets of the world are just markets where he sells his bitterness, just like his peers. , where their bodies are sold.


theory of goodness

"Since for you there is no ultimate standard, no irrefutable principle, and there is no god, what can stop you from doing evil?"

——"I can see as much evil in myself as anyone else, but because I hate "action", the mother of all evils, I will not bring pain to anyone. Since I am not aggressive, I have no I don't have enough energy or shamelessness to collide with others, so no matter what the world I encounter is like, I just let it be. Revenge requires a kind of constant vigilance and a set of systematic thinking. , is a very costly continuity; and the indifference possessed by tolerance and contempt can make time very comfortably empty. All morality poses a threat to kindness, and only indifference can save it. Because you have already By choosing the calmness of a fool and the indifference of an angel, I excluded myself from action. And because kindness is incompatible with life, I decomposed myself in order to achieve kindness."

📝Reading experience

Recently, Cioran's two newly translated books, "On Bitterness" and "Confession and Exile", actually appeared on Douban's weekly hot list. Are they not considered niche books? Song Gang's translation of "Summary of Disintegration" seems to have become an out-of-print masterpiece, and the simplified Wang Zhenxin translation has received very poor reviews on Douban. However, at least Xiao Ran's books have been translated and published in many places on the other side of the country, but not in Taiwan.

This "Summary of Disintegration" seems to be endless. The introduction reads:

Cioran's sobriety comes from his seven-year insomnia. Because what insomniacs face is a thorough questioning of existence and self-fiction, it is more thorough and violent than any thoughtful deconstruction. In other words, the clarity that insomniacs like Cioran possess from the beginning is something that ordinary thinkers need to exhaust their lives to achieve.

Sometimes I feel that playing video games, eating delicious food, and skating videos may be the expression of the highest wisdom. As the saying goes, "If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will be worried tomorrow." Those who want to pursue something or resist something are just asking for trouble. , "Prostitution, like philosophy, is on the margins of society, and prostitution, the highest doctrine put forward by this sober-minded wandering college, is that it has no faith in others or itself." Perhaps those efforts to pursue something or resist something, They are just unwilling to work as prostitutes, in order to achieve the goal of willingly selling themselves in exchange for daily necessities, and using philosophy to convince themselves to live like ordinary people. Perhaps being hazy is the highest state of sobriety?

Cioran's poetic fragmentary writing is suitable for reading a few pieces occasionally. Don't take too much at one time. I have ordered "On Bitterness", "Confession and Exile", and "On the Peak of Despair" and are on the way. I will read it when I have the opportunity. share.

📚Extended reading

  • at the peak of despair

  • Tears and Saints

  • twilight of thought

  • The Obsessed Guide

  • Commentary on suffering

  • Confession and Exile

  • Presence and Immortality

  • is and has

  • The Aura of Being: A Study of Marcel's Thoughts


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