One of my watercolor works (6)


I promised to challenge 100 pictures, but when I drew more than 50 pictures, it slowed down. I've lost motivation once, and I've drawn several pictures at once, but the situation is capricious.

I found that I still rely heavily on copying, and I am still exploring my own style, but I have mastered some basic painting style skills, and I have realized the results brought by continuous practice.

The reason why painting can fascinate me is because every time I touch the pen, my heart is quiet. I think besides meditation, painting is also a good choice for meditation.

Send 10 recently completed works~

small fresh
sunny and sunny
Will the elves appear?
with the wind
family size
cool and refreshing
Happy Mothers' Day
big fish


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

一枚小确幸雜志編輯 | 寫詞人 | 業餘畫畫尚未到家 | 二手書店店長 | 不安分的雙子座 | 愛貓不養貓 YT/FB/IG:一枚小確幸 A Little Bliss FB/IG:小如繪畫筆記 RuyunSketch
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讀後感:《如果這世界貓消失了》—— 川村元氣

電影觀後感 | 那時候,我只剩下勇氣
