Essay: A journey of walking and learning, traveling with an e-book for the first time

黃宇軒 Sampson Wong
Some of the most enjoyable times on this trip were the times of "sitting and reading." In all three cities, you will find outdoor seating that makes people want to sit down and stay for a long time. These "sit and read" times are a great break from walking and walking 25,000 steps a day.

( The original article was published on Huang Yuxuan’s IG )

I would like to share with you that during my previous walking and learning trip to Copenhagen, Marseille and London, I did something that is the first time in the world: I brought an e-book reader with me and used it to read e-books and articles. As a result, the journey The amount of reading makes me very satisfied.

I also brought a physical book this time, but the experience of reading the ebook was also very good. It was so good that I, a die-hard fan of physical books, suddenly developed a new habit of reading both at the same time.

I use Kobo Sage. The device is very light and the screen size and display are close to those of paper. When traveling and moving, the flexibility of reading an ebook is really amazing. I am a person who constantly uses Dropbox for work. After connecting to Dropbox, Kobo can throw various types of text or image files into a folder and read them immediately. For me, it is the most straightforward and most suitable for my workflow. Operated. In addition, what I used the most this time is a function called Pocket. Click Pocket on the web page, and it will quickly save the entire article and read it directly on the browser offline, allowing me to regain my long-lost experience. , the habit of reading a lot of online articles. During this trip, I actually got a good reading rhythm thanks to this phone.

In fact, some of the most enjoyable time on this trip was the time of "sitting and reading." In all three cities, you will find outdoor seating that makes people want to sit down and stay for a long time. These "sit and read" times are a great break from walking and walking 25,000 steps a day.

Huang YuxuanIG
Huang Yuxuan FB

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黃宇軒 Sampson Wong《城市散步學:以香港作為起點》及《香港散步學》兩本書的作者。香港城市研究者、藝術家、作家,地理系博士,現為中文大學城市研究講師。曾共同創立「懷疑人生就去散步」影像計劃。 IG: sampson_wong fb page: sampsonwonghk
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