What's good for breakfast on Saturday?

The process of cooking by myself is very nurturing, and I can just change my mood when I get back from get off work by concentrating on the production process. Among the three meals a day, I especially like to make breakfast.

I like to make breakfast more than lunch and dinner.

The process of cooking by myself is very nurturing, and I can just change my mood when I get back from get off work by concentrating on the production process. Among the three meals a day, I especially like to make breakfast.

When I go to work, I have limited time, mostly simple, starches are mostly toast or bread, and sometimes fry a piece of scallion pancake with a little nuts, make coffee by hand, and finally, fruit.

On a whim on Saturday morning, I want to eat a sweet, toasted crispy toast with a thick layer of chocolate sauce and a cup of hot coffee, which is in line with the mood of happy Saturday morning, but unfortunately there is no chocolate sauce in the refrigerator.. ....

It takes a long time to buy a can of chocolate sauce, and I now have a whole layer in the refrigerator full of various bottles and cans that I have eaten and a lot left over. Tahini, Chili Sauce, Homemade Jam, Scallop Sauce, Truffle Sauce, Chili Sauce, Soufflé Sauce, Wasabi Sauce, Pickles, Mayonnaise, Tomato Sauce, Miso, Capers  …. Not ready to load. So I never intended to buy another bottle of chocolate sauce.

But what do you do when you really want to eat toast with chocolate sauce? It’s okay, there’s still half a pack of leftover Muji peanut chocolates in the fridge. Put the whole piece of peanut chocolate on the toast and send it to the oven together. After a while, the chocolate melts, and when you spread it, it is chocolate toast, hehe.

Food-loving Tainan people will always find a way to satisfy themselves.

MUJI peanut chocolate is super pushed. When I come back from get off work and I am almost exhausted, I chew a few pieces, and I can come back to life immediately.

The same time, the costco soufflé raisin spread in Gaying, just spread it on the bread and put it in the oven. The only thing is that this spread is a little dry. It is a little hard to push it directly on the bread from the refrigerator. I will spread it later. Put the sauce in a small dish, add some water or milk to mix it, put it in the microwave for 20 seconds, it will come out moist and easy to push.

Three peanut chocolates can almost finish a full-length reading toast

push push push


Toasted crispy toast with a peanut chocolate "sauce" is a masterpiece!

Costco's Raisin Souffle is a bit tough to push


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