About you and me / coffee, blue shirt, taste

A must-see for those who are still thinking about him

When I first met you

Why did the department's group message keep ringing this morning, I'm upset~

Shop clerk: "Is Mr. Chen there? ~"

At that time, I didn't notice that there was another person who accidentally touched your hand when I went to get coffee

The chances of meeting someone with the same surname and gender in the world are too small, right?

The first time I met you, remember the smell of your perfume, your blue shirt and your smile

I am embarrassed to give you a smile: "I'm sorry", it's okay if you smile

(line ~~)

How in this beautiful moment...

I really want to get to know you better with you, but the shadow of online dating and the pressure of work discouraged me. I still remember when I met my former partner on the Internet, I always thought it would go on like this, but I didn’t expect him to cheat.

I don't know if I'll see you tomorrow morning

Don't think too much, hurry back to the company, or you will be late, don't close the elevator in front

(I stuck the elevator door with both hands)

 Unexpectedly, when the door opened, it was "you"
You: "Hi, Mr. Chen"

by Yu Hao @yuhao2348

-- The simplest kindness, the gentlest companionship

About you and me| #同人人

👉Loneliness allows us to meet, and you are still looking for the tree hole that belongs to your soul. Don't forget to bookmark this article 👉Want to know more about your love, please follow Yu Hao's ig. ( please click me )
👉If you want to know more about Japanese and Japanese youth, please follow Japanese and Japanese youth ig. ( Please click on me )
👉Please support Yu Hao's recent collection of short stories " Story. That year, about you and me " & " Resolving worries BAR "


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羽昊 -入選小日子10周年讀者投稿/女人迷讀者投稿作家/現職/日青文字療癒放映師-寫文章和散文,喜歡用文字記錄人生與生活,著有網路小書集《療癒吧》和生活成長日記《日日聊心》,因緣際會下創辦了日青文字放映所;別人眼中的傻大哥,卻有一顆溫暖的心和笑容。
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100個人之中,有99個人會把愛情放到過期,你是其中之一嗎? 【日編聊心|愛情的保鮮期】: 如果你還愛他,一定要快看這篇

星期整聊事/ 擁抱成熟自我的第一課
