Body and mind pantry #2: Long time no use of SRT

Will Liu
The e-newsletter of the body and mind pantry is published every Tuesday and Friday. I hope everyone can "get old well, and get old well."
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I haven't opened the SRT chart for a long time. About more than a year ago, I didn't use the SRT cleaning system. There are many reasons. Of course, at first, it was because I didn't feel like using it. Later, I saw someone saying on the Internet. Some of the news, I feel that it is correct not to use it.

Inexplicably, at the time of Chinese New Year, I especially want to use it. Because I figured out one thing, the development of tools, spirituality and people can actually be separated, and in fact, the most important thing is yourself.

When I was sorting out the article recently, I reviewed some of the articles I wrote before, and I once said about the use of spiritual techniques. It may be a kind of channeling, but the final choice is ours. Now I have a relatively new way of interpreting it: "When we open up our boundaries and can have more tolerance, a tool is a tool, and the focus is on 'people'." [If you are interested, you can read: Using Body and Mind Tools, Please don't let "heart" become "vegetative" ]

Starting with this, let’s talk about the concept of a tea room for mind and body. In January of this year, when completing the teacher certification of "Flowing Stretch", the teacher wrote the last sentence in the letter to the students.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the study together, and self-exploration fitness activities must be the trend in the future.

One of the keywords that touched me the most was "self-exploration". Because it echoes the goal that has been pursued for a long time, whether there is a labor-saving and convenient method that everyone can do to achieve a self-care system.

In the past few years, I have done a lot of different studies across the fields of body, mind, and spirit. The Tarot and Reiki that I came into contact with at the beginning, as a person who works and lives in the world, is a little too illusory and unrealistic. It’s hard to share, but it’s too much to resort to so-called feeling and belief; then I started to get in touch with aroma and aromatherapy. Both the West and the East took into account the study. It seems a little specific, but I think the threshold for essential oils is still a bit high.

In the end, resonating with the desire of the heart, I entered the field of mind and body, and finally found that all things can be answered from the body, and it is specific and meaningful. The company of the body is a life-long thing, always We all work and get along with our bodies.

In the past year, the field of mind and body and the body has been my main focus.

With the different learning stages, the effect of self-growth gradually begins to emerge. When you become more aware of your body, your views on spiritual growth and the various skills of body and mind you have learned will also grow with you. Gradually, I realized that the unity of body and mind can be not just a slogan, but can be experienced by everyone through implementation.

Because the body can know the answer to all the questions, it's just whether we have the opportunity, through listening, companionship and small skills, to help the answer emerge and let the brain have the opportunity to judge.

Let's experiment

Please close your eyes first and pay attention to your own breathing pattern. You don't need to count the seconds deliberately, and you don't have to judge how many times your pulse is, you just feel your current breathing rate and depth.

Think of this breathing pattern as an indicator of your daily relaxation situation, that is, when you're relaxing, the way you breathe.

Next, find a room in your brain that you have to solve now, but please continue to read the e-newsletter of the Pantry for Mind and Body, and tell yourself to wait until you finish reading it.

At this time, I invite you to pay attention to whether the breathing pattern has changed after seeing the last paragraph of text "Continue reading".

In my own experience, even if the frequency and depth have not changed, there will be a few more unconscious "stop breathing". Or maybe my breathing rate changes unstable, and sometimes I need to remind myself to breathe in and take a few deep breaths before continuing to read the article.

The experiment is suspended. If that thing is really necessary, please hurry up and finish it first, and then come back to read it.

The body is very sensitive. When we have any mood fluctuations, the body will immediately respond accordingly. It's just the modern lifestyle that gives us very little opportunity to stop and respond well.

This is why I said above that the most important thing is actually yourself. My realization is that no matter what body and mind tools you use today, your body will not deceive you.

When you experience a physical and mental experience, it may be healing, divination or any other techniques and methods. If you feel "uncomfortable", it means that this is not suitable for you. Please try to avoid the second and third times.

There are many methods, and there is no need to stick to a single method.

In the past five or six years, with different learning experiences, I can confidently tell you that there are always different options.

Taking the simplest raising of hands as an example, you can experience it now, raising your hands around the sides from your side, keeping your hands close to your body with your strength, or even taking your hands into the sky through the direction in front of you.

Two different ideas have completed the action of raising their hands, and the physical experience is different.

If you are a person who is used to living a fast life, you will feel no difference between these two experiences when you are not reminded. Over time, because the body has no feelings, it will only choose one of them. This is how the habit is formed.

After being reminded, it turns out that if there is a choice, you will have the opportunity to ask your body, maybe you will have different ideas and try different experiences.

Going back to what I said at the beginning, I think this is why I can regain the use of SRT, and seriously realize that this is a choice that I can use, and gradually free myself from the past thinking mode. .

In the tea room of mind and body, I hope that through the writing of words, you will be able to see and experience, and even have the opportunity to explore and experience yourself, discover more different options, and then know that "it turns out I can".

Please continue to lock, the body and mind pantry e-newsletter.

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I am writing here, 🏠The future manager of Six Meters 👨🏻‍💻 Will , you can subscribe to the e-newsletter 📥 to support my continuous creation: free delivery for a limited time, one time [ click here to package and subscribe]

— On the way forward, you need a "trustworthy friend" —

💰Monday: A wealthy life after work [ Hand knife subscription 🌊 Uncover the mystery of self-exploration ]
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Content Creation Platforms: vocus , Matters , Medium


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Will Liu懂命理、會改運,喜好分享、樂於助人的生活實踐者。最新資訊請前往 ➤ ⏎
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