Exercise Log - July 9

In the last 50 meters, the swimming rhythm was completely disrupted by the couple and the children. The hands and feet seemed to hate each other. They did not cooperate with each other in breathing. .

July 9

1 It's the weekend again, and I woke up a little later than usual today, about 6.9. The original plan was to do abdominal muscle training and hand training once each. However, when one third of the abdominal muscle training was completed, Amei suddenly ran out of the room. Then, the two of us started grabbing the phone again.

2 My sister grabbed the phone and pressed the phone indiscriminately, which actually affected the smoothness of the training. Second, I didn’t want my sister to stare at the phone or electronic screen too much, so after completing the abdominal muscle training, I rested and did not do hand training.

3 Before going to bed last night, my sister and my father were playing in the living room. Before I coaxed my sister to sleep, I did 200 air bike rides. After singing the song, put on the quilt, Amei turned to sleep, and I next to me took the opportunity to do 200 more rides in the air. This night successfully completed 400 strokes, exceeding the task.

Photo from Unsplash

4 At two o'clock in the afternoon, go to the clubhouse of the housing estate for a swim. It was a day trip of 500 meters (50 meters x 10 times), which took about 25 minutes. Today is a swim in the training line. Except for the first and last time, a pair of parents and children enter each other, which has a little influence. The rest of the time is by myself, and I swim comfortably.

In the last 50 meters, the swimming rhythm was completely disrupted by the couple and the children. The hands and feet seemed to hate each other. They did not cooperate with each other in breathing. . There are still 30 meters... 20 meters... 10 meters... The last 5 meters... Still unable to coordinate, I was forced to stop, take a deep breath, and float to the edge of the pool.

5 Before going to bed tonight, the goal is to do 200 air bike rides, and if there is time, I will do 200 more times as a bonus.

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