Some hatred, to be remembered forever

721, the third year of forever unforgettable

721 doesn't seem to be just a day or an event, it's more like an emotion or emotion, and it suddenly extends to the third year. It started the sleeplessness, tears and anger of the later days of that year, it developed the new personality of people after that night, and it made people more specific and black and white.

I never thought that human nature can be so inferior, even though these violence and indifference are commonplace in the mainland. When the people in white can plan and premeditately deploy and threaten violence, the legislators cheer in the street, shake hands with the perpetrators holding iron canes, and the officials of the Liaison Office even stand for it, which is enough to surprise people. Indiscriminate attacks and beatings of different groups of people: pregnant women, journalists, and social workers fell to the ground one after another, and the subway cars were in chaos, full of blood and crying. The alarm phone could not be connected or even disabled for a long time. The police station was locked, and the police were fighting here. The police on the same scene actually turned their heads and left. On the other side of the police station, they found that the policeman was also huddling with the man in white. This night was called "Yuen Long Night".

The victims who appeared on the camera were charged with felonies and are still in prison to this day. The journalists and media who recorded the violence were also prosecuted by the government for liquidation. Li Jiachao, who was still the Secretary of the Security Bureau at that time, has now become the Chief Executive, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who followed him have also been promoted to the rank. Before the attack, the men in white gathered in Yuen Long, marched and even sent weapons. The police ignored the traffic. After the violence was recorded, the riot police made way for the men in white to drive away several times. The injured made a claim, but even their lawyer was arrested. Hundreds of people in white who participated in the attack were captured on camera, but only seven were prosecuted by the police.

That night, I witnessed the corruption and the collapse of justice in Hong Kong. The rampant, domineering and lawless underworld and rural forces, the dereliction of duty, arrogance and the enemy of the people of the Hong Kong police, together with the Liaison Office behind the propaganda of violence and the people fighting against the people, have made the originally peaceful social movement rapidly heated up, and the people's demands have turned into blood debt and blood repayment .

721 will be remembered. It is the fact that the blood has been smeared and rewritten by the government over and over again. Arriving late, he arrogantly said to the reporter "I can't see the watch", "You won't frighten me by questioning me like this."

The unbridled appearance of power is very similar to how the CCP behind it treats the people in China. When citizens’ deposits in the bank cannot be withdrawn normally, the government uses health codes to restrict people’s travel, when people hold high the slogans shouted by the Communist Party to defend their rights in front of the government, they are beaten, driven away by organized men in white clothes, and even accused of picking quarrels and provoking trouble and inciting subversion of the regime .

721 is like 8964 which I have never experienced. It belongs to the people of Hong Kong, and this pain flows into my blood unknowingly. This feeling is that people in the society of watching and helping each other suddenly become vigilant and unfamiliar - we clearly shouted cheers together, obviously we pointed our middle finger to the police together, we firmly believed that we would meet at the bottom, but now we are in exile. In this feeling there is hatred for the power "you can't help me", and every lie in it is a humiliation, humiliating those of us who are involved in history. This feeling is full of unwillingness. As long as I live for one day, I will remember, remember that the totem of tyranny was smeared on this day, and remember that tyranny is bound to be overthrown one day.


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