Freedom belongs to those strong and lonely souls

Freedom is often accompanied by self-discipline

"Freedom is the thickest of human chains." - Gibran

Here, we met a lot of interesting souls, including slash workers, freelancers, columnists, etc. We all have one thing in common - freedom. We can face our thoughts more directly and have better control over time. And we all have the same difficulty - self-discipline. Without self-discipline, we cannot record and share our life here regularly.

"When people become more free, they become anxious and at a loss, and they will be willing to surrender their freedom, hoping that he belongs to a powerful authority, so that the self in spiritual and identity loneliness can find in a subordinate relationship. A sense of security." This sentence comes from Fromm's "Escape from Freedom", I think this sentence is a good confirmation that each occupation is different, and the restricted freedom of each occupation is different, and this has also led to a lot of People think that "freedom" is the best bargaining chip in exchange for money.

taken from google

"Self-discipline is the primary tool to solve life's problems and an important means to eliminate pain." - Mind Map

Self-discipline does not mean sacrificing freedom, but a "free choice", an important principle for solving the pain of life with a proactive attitude. There are many people who want to pursue a more freelance career but cannot succeed, not only because of fear of loneliness, but also because of lack of self-discipline. The Mind Map also mentions the following four points: "Delay Satisfaction", "Take Responsibility", "Respect the Facts", "Maintain Balance" (this is also the truth that everyone knows, it's a bit old-fashioned, but everyone can't do it, including me)

Taken from Google

Today's sharing is a bit poisonous chicken soup, but to be honest, there is too much chicken soup, but the poisonous chicken soup is so real and explicit that people dare not look directly at it

The above arrangement is taken from "It's Time to Love Yourself", and some opinions of my own are added. If someone thinks that it is outrageously wrong, it doesn't matter, you are right, our creed is up to us.


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