[Magic sound. Extra] "Letter from Time and Space" Part 2: The Idiots Everyone Loves

The female voice spoke clearly, but Qingfeng discovered that time had not passed. The female lead on the stage was still singing the same word... Does that mean that time had stopped? Qingfeng didn't know how to react at all...or maybe in terms of real time, he didn't even have time to form an idea in his head. The only thing he could think of was the letter he received a while ago. It is also undeniable that the letter seems to be more important, related to Dong Ling around him and his fate...
Ling Ying. She is the sixth-generation female lead singer of the Magic Music Group. She is the youngest and is known as the little singer. Possess the magic of Shadow. Illustrated by: KC.5

The female lead singer of the MagicVoice band sings selflessly while also speaking into the hearts of others?

What speaks in the heart? It's crazy!

"You are not crazy, you are just selected. There is no need to be afraid like this! Let me ask you, do you really understand yourself?"

The female voice spoke clearly, but Qingfeng discovered that time had not passed. The female lead on the stage was still singing the same word... Does that mean that time had stopped? Qingfeng didn't know how to react at all...or maybe in terms of real time, he didn't even have time to form an idea in his head.

The only thing he could think of was the letter he received a while ago. It is also undeniable that the letter seems to be more important, related to Dong Ling around him and his fate...

"You figured it out quickly! Then do you want to preserve the power you already have? For the sake of the people around you..."

"Yes!" Qingfeng shouted as if he was out of control!

His voice was instantly drowned out by the cheers and shouts from all around, including Dong Ling. Then, he heard the female lead of MagicVoice sing the next word...

Qingfeng will never forget this concert. Because while he enjoyed music to his heart's content, he received a precious gift - he could send messages to anyone he valued without being limited by time and space, no matter where that person was? In the past, present or future? All his messages can be delivered! In other words, it turns out that he does have the ability to send letters to his past self!

"Crazy!" When Qingfeng told Dong Ling everything, she laughed and scolded him. "So, are you going to decide not to be with me because of that letter?"

"Lu Dongling, you don't seem so stupid!"


"Do you believe in yourself that you would do anything to make me sad?"

Dong Ling shook her head. Then, she smiled in realization.

The letter mentioned that Qingfeng would be so sad that she couldn't recover. When she heard this, she was really afraid that something terrible would happen to Qing Feng! Now that I think about it clearly, it seems that this is not the case.

Dong Ling breathed a sigh of relief when she thought that her worries would not happen.

"So, from today on, you can't leave me even half a step!"


"You are really stupid!"

Because the only thing that could make him sad was if something unexpected happened to her or she was hurt. As long as Qingfeng can protect Dong Ling, those things will never happen...

The second Qingfeng scolded her for being stupid, Dong Ling understood. An extremely bright smile appeared on her face involuntarily, with a faint sweet smile.

In the days to come, Qingfeng would never leave Dong Ling, which was totally inconsistent with his indifferent personality. In the eyes of others, Yao Qingfeng might have turned into an overly obsessed little man, but he ignored him at all. In the past, due to face and so-called image, he didn't bother to participate in any group activities. Now, wherever there is Dong Ling, he will be there, even if it is training with those rookie students, or going to the library that he has always scorned. with cram schools.

Finally, after Qingfeng sent more than ten letters to his future self, the reply came!

The dangerous time has passed, and nothing terrible will happen to Dong Ling again, right? You should feel relieved a little bit, right? Qingfeng prayed to God and prayed to Buddha, hoping that the content of future letters would be all good news.

"It's rare that you are loved by everyone now. I would rather my life were always in danger." Dong Ling's laughter was like a silver bell.

"You are safe, and I can always be by your side..." So corny! Qingfeng is no longer familiar with himself.

What's even scarier is that he actually likes his transformation!

Dong Ling insisted on reading the letter together, but Qing Feng couldn't stop her. So, this second letter from the future was opened in front of the two pairs of them...

To the sixteen-year-old me and you who are by my side:

Fool! You can't even recognize my handwriting! You deserve to be constantly scared for my safety! hehe! Sixteen-year-old me, Lu Dongling, leaning on Yao Qingfeng's arms, I helped you realize your idea, and it was very successful, right?

You sixteen-year-old idiot, don't think about going back to your original state and turning back into the big idiot you were before who only knew how to be cool! I don’t think you would be willing to part with it, right? You who are reading this letter must have become more approachable and more willing to be honest with yourself, otherwise I would not be able to write this letter next to you at the age of 22...

"You..." Qingfeng was so angry that he almost fainted.

Dong Ling had already jumped up from Qingfeng's arms, made a grimace, and walked further and further away. However, the moment she knew that she had the same ability as Qingfeng, she decided that no matter how far she went, she would not let Qingfeng and herself walk out of each other's lives...

"Letter Through Time" Completed
(The story takes place roughly in the later period of "MagicVoice II" "Farewell Overture")
(# 魔音 Extra )

Cover image of "MagicVoice III". | Ling Ying. She is the sixth-generation female lead singer of the Magic Music Group. She is the youngest and is known as the little singer. Possess the magic of Shadow. |Stream. From nowhere. The drummer of the Magic Music Band. Age is a mystery. Have the ability to learn beyond human comprehension. Illustrated by: KC.5
When developing MVAD, I made a brief introduction to "Magic Sound". However, it is more of a declaration.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

韋浩川韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!
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《都市靜止》#359 未來的故事(十三)

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《都市靜止》#357 未來的故事(十一)