Good and Evil in a Pandemic

In difficult times, we can always see scenes where Macau citizens cheer each other up and help each other. There are free drinks for takeaway deliverymen, sunflowers for citizens who pass by after the inspection, and thank you cartoons for the volunteers of the medical, fire, and police officers.

Today there are 71 infections and 31 self-tested positive reported cases (individual false positives). The second national nucleic acid test will be implemented within 39 hours from tomorrow. Scanning the version on social platforms, in addition to seeing many pictures of self-examination declarations, there are many photos of citizens' meals during the quarantine period, and the constantly updated travel trajectories of infected persons. The epidemic is so far and near, the situation is really worrying . Apart from valuing each other and exchanging status, friends don't know what to say.

In difficult times, we can always see scenes where Macau citizens cheer each other up and help each other. There are free drinks for takeaway deliverymen, sunflowers for citizens who pass by after the inspection, and thank you cartoons for the volunteers of the medical, fire, and police officers. This is the enthusiasm and friendliness of Macao residents, a concrete manifestation of the harmony between neighbors, a deep affection for the place where they were born and raised, and their desire to see the life that they and their ancestors have worked hard to manage to be destroyed. This is something outsiders will not understand and are unwilling to dedicate. Some people even deliberately disturb the centuries-old living system and habits of this small town with their "culture". Although I don't agree with some obvious or radical xenophobic speech and behavior, I can understand it.

Citizens here stay at home to fight the epidemic, but there is a gathering of more than 200 foreign employees in the other side, under the banner of "who should pay for the quarantine fee", regardless of your epidemic prevention policy. Maybe for them, apart from the money bag on their waist, they are nothing; Macau has nothing to do with them, it is a board that can be removed by the bridge that crosses, and in the end, they have no feelings for this place. Although this place gives them transportation discounts and benefits that are almost the same as the locals, although they earn money on this land, they are unwilling to spend it on the land, even if it is the "segregation fee" that they should pay according to the law. , and use what they feel is "civilized" to achieve "reasonable" demands.

Opposite the window of the children's room has always been a vacant unit, and suddenly light shines through at night. I opened the curtains and saw that there were five or six shirtless men sitting around in the living room over there, “delivering food with beer”, occasionally spitting out two “flying swords”, folding the masks to the chin, laughing and talking loudly (of course is something I don't understand). At this moment when it is impossible to pass through customs as usual and foreign employees stay there, one cannot help but wonder whether the small hall has been used as an illegal hotel for accommodating foreign employees. At this moment, I have no time and no heart to think about the issues of "illegal and legal" and "knowing the law and illegal". I only think about hygiene habits, common sense of epidemic prevention and transmission risks.

Dude, the epidemic is tight, you can be ignorant, but please don't ignore it.


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司湜 生長於澳門。五行缺木,命定與書紙為伍。土性,卻實際上是個水漾人。水是......
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