Year-End Memories-NFT

The same sincere speech is substantive and supportive, and clapping vigorously is enough~~

What are NFTs?

Let me first talk about my previous thoughts:

  • is a picture
  • It's an avatar
  • It's a grid painting

No, what I thought NFT had at the beginning was these three meanings! As a liberal arts person, I think so simply .
And just like the BBS electronic bulletin board of my era, the portraits were made up of computers. Is that NFT?

The first person to break my idea was @witchbi. I participated in her market and bought my family portrait with Kang, which was also my first NFT.

 Brother Hong, because the avatar is easy to attract attention, the grid is the so-called pixel. It is not that these are NFTs, but NFTs include a wide range of things. I drew a family portrait for you, and I will also mint NFTs and send them to your wallet!

Honestly, what did the witch pen say? I didn’t understand at that time, I only knew that NFT was a pixel painting. Another thing that comes to mind with my liberal arts brain, ha!

Confused, pictures become NFT? ?

Later, I saw the family portrait hidden in the open sea.

So, what's the difference with jpg files? Another question? ?

So I started to look up some information:

 NFT is Non-Fungible Token.
Fungible means easy to exchange.
Token refers to tokens.

Not a token that can be easily exchanged ? I'm still confused. The explanation on the Internet is:

Non-fungible tokens are tokens that exist independently and are indivisible on the blockchain.

I continued to search and found a description of NFT:

 Even if they look the same, they are still different things and may not necessarily have the same value.

I saw an example. In terms of tickets, they are all game tickets or concert tickets. The styles are the same, but the prices are different depending on the seats!

No wonder NFT can be minted in many versions, maybe this is the reason.

Gradually, I gained some understanding of NFT. In addition, I met @swiftevoshift curator and @Sogni Meng last October. Their expertise in NFT allowed me to improve my knowledge of this information!

NFT is a token that can prove the owner of a certain digital asset.

Digital assets can be music, avatars, games, collections, art, paintings, photos, creations...etc.

I finally understand ~ Although there are many more, this is what I know so far ^_^

I would also like to thank an enthusiastic author I follow on ig for selflessly sharing web3 related information and presenting it in a simple way! His id is coin_theorem, coin identification theorem

What I’m sharing today is my collection of NFTs

The first NFT, a cartoon family portrait hand-drawn by Wubi himself

The first music NFT

I can’t post “Seven Directions of the Milky Way Prayer Singing” by @黄 Skinned Gypsy Ruth… Haha

The first NFT I minted by myself

Shift was the first NFT that I sold for me. Although I have put several of my own Mint NFTs on Opensea but no one is paying attention, haha, but this one is used to support Shift's the space DAO, which is a great honor~

Shift also cooperated with sogni. I took my original photos and asked sogni to use AI design and English instructions to cast the NFT.

Original picture

After sogni designed it, and added his English and other language translations, I collaborated with Shift to complete the poem I made before:


Autumn pond reflects bald cypress
Autumn pond reflections of deciduous cypresses

The leaves are shaped like flying feathers and lose their green color in winter.
Withered and floating feathers fall, brown feathers are taken from the ground.


November, 2021

2700 x 1800, PNG

Artist: Red-Lin

My first public welfare NFT, supporting the floods in Pakistan initiated by shift

My second charity NFT, supporting the Iranian feminist movement and restoring the Mona Lisa

Below is my first NFT in Matt City

This is Angry Red for Halloween, shift helped me make it

Matt City discord is active in August

Commemoration of using USDT

Looking back on me a year ago, I didn’t even know what NFT was? Now I slowly understand~~

Yesterday, because I had no resources or bullets to support the author, many enthusiastic friends supported me. Thank you.

Just last night, Dobby notified me that as an active star in December, this time, the reward I requested from Dobby was like coins. When I got up early in the morning, I found that my wallet had a lot more coins. Maybe this is God’s pain. people.

In fact, there are many NFTs that are very memorable. Thank you for shift's teaching and sogni's help. Maybe I still can't learn to find other values ​​​​of NFTs from transactions, but these are enough for me to remember and give me a goal. I can continue to work hard~


Join the official Matt City channel Matters Lab together

Join TheSpcceDAO together

And I will continue to write in Matt City. What I write may not have high nutritional value, but it does bring good health together.

Only by sharing can you know the joy of sharing, that joy comes from the heart~

Just follow the example of the mysterious handsome guy and enthusiastically support the creator, as much as you support ^_^

There are currently more than 3,200 articles!

What's the easter egg? ?

This bird, thank you Shift for helping me mint ten versions of NFT. I secretly gave a few versions to my friends. It seems that I gave them to four or three friends on a trial basis. You can see who has this bird~~VC Because it was a cold wallet, I didn’t try to give it to my senior, otherwise he would be the first friend I wanted to give it to~

How can I see my NFT?

Open sea is currently a large NFT trading website. After logging in, enter the webpage or click on the front words to connect to your fox wallet. It now supports Chinese display, which is very convenient^_^

After entering

Have you received it? I still have six editions, and the tenth edition of the cat's eye under the roof that shift helped me cast ^_^ can be given away~

Today I update twice a day, haha!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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