【2022/04. Japanese wine industry dynamics] It is the same as a person and a wine, do it. since. already. 17 cases from Aomori to Okinawa


Japanese sake product development is an irreversible trend based on the strength of local connections plus thinking about consumers' needs/preferences. 17 cases from Aomori to Okinawa are sorted this month.

You are also welcome to use the dialogue window in the lower right corner of the website to leave any questions you want to ask or any comments. If you leave an email, Jiu Miao will reply after confirming it. In the wine industry dynamic article released at the end of the month, it will also give a formal answer and supplement the reference materials.

Reader questions this month:

"Is there a market share of ordinary sake and special-name wine in the Taiwan market? Is there a way to find it on the website of Japanese government statistics?"

Jiu Meow replied:

Part of the Taiwan market: no way. If it is the total amount of domestic shipments and foreign shipments, it cannot be directly obtained from the statistics website. Please refer to the report of the National Taxation Bureau.

1. Play and drink

1. Local Wine Gacha

A gashapon machine is installed at the Harada Brewery in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture. It costs 400 yen to twist a piece. How many prizes do you get? The 1st – 4th prizes are wines of different grades/capacities, and the 5th prizes are wooden pine or wine bottle mobile phone charms. Tourists come to the store and see that the gashapon machine can increase their interest in buying while playing.

A chance or luck? Can I choose a practical pig's mouth cup instead of a mobile phone charm...?

2. Enjoy the freshness of Wakayama in Tokyo

Wakayama Prefecture Heiwa Brewing Co., Ltd. (inscription: Jitu) opened the first restaurant outside the prefecture, "Heiwa どぶろくDoucho Brewery" will be located in Nihonbashi Toucho, Tokyo, which belongs to the area of Kayabacho Station on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line One of the stores that settled in the redevelopment project building "KITOKI". In the store, どぶろく turbid sake is brewed, and snacks made with special products of Wakayama Prefecture are also provided. Du Shi and Tibetans will also receive customers in the store and talk about various brewing matters. Opening in June, in-store checkout will only accept non-cash payments.

3. Drink Tsugaru cider with Osamu Dazai

In the Tsugaru region, which is rich in apples, people drink various styles of cider, whether it is home-made cider or brewed sake made by sake brewers. In 1944, during the Pacific War, Osamu Dazai came to the Tsugaru area of Aomori Prefecture and wrote his autobiographical novel "Tsugaru". The book mentions cider but does not describe the taste or how to make it. Mr. Toki Akira, who runs an apple orchard in Goshogawara City, and other people with lofty ideals formed a special team to gather young people from apple farms and local governments. They wanted to recreate the cider from the novel in order to revitalize the area. They visited local historian Yanagisawa Mr. Conscience, got inspiration from it.

In the novel, there is a scene where S, a local who wants to provide Osamu Dazai with cider, asks his family for an additional 2 liters of wine. In times of war, supplies were scarce, and rice and wine were rationed. S is a real person, and his wife is from a city where sake stores gather in Hirosaki, and there are many shops specializing in yeast. Local historian Yanagisawa Ryochi mentioned, "The cider at that time should be a substitute for Japanese sake." Based on this claim, he named the cider Tsugaru , using the yeast of Japanese sake to reproduce the cider. Slightly carbonated to retain the flavor of makgeolli.

In addition, the novel also mentions that he drank wine in the flower street during the old Hirosaki high school period. Since Osamu Dazai built a new home in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture, he seems to be familiar with Yamanashi wine. Plus is a guy who likes to be trendy and maybe wants something wine-inspired. Therefore, Mr. Toki used liquor yeast to ferment the cider and named it RASHO .

The re-engraved ciders Tsugaru and Rasho use Kunimitsu, the mainstream variety of the Showa period, and are procured from elderly farmers who grow a small number of logs. By improving the cider's storytelling, it is also possible to cultivate the successors of the farm family. You can buy these two kinds of sake at the Kanagi Tourism and Product Center "Sannao Melos" near Kanagi Station on the Tsugaru Railway.

Tips for visiting the tourist product hall! The product hall is the entrance to a new place, not just a place for tourists to buy souvenirs. Many food shops these days sell fresh produce, so by looking at alcohol and the ingredients/dishes that appear at the same time, you can catch some ideas for pairing wine with food, just by watching carefully.

Second, consumer preferences. Regional support

1. Young women in the metropolitan area

Bandai Brewery in Bandai-cho, Fukushima Prefecture cooperated with the women's group "PON Sake Girls" in the metropolitan area. In order to cater to the tastes and brand design of young women in the metropolitan area, they launched the sweet and fruity Junmai ginshu brewed from the town's sake rice. "@Party", listed on 4/1.

Sister wine is not divided into regions, the truth is.


Since the beginning of this year, the Kiyama Store, a joint venture of the liquor store in Kiyama Town, has used the new sake rice さがゆたか developed by the Faculty of Agriculture of Saga University by mating Yamada Nishiki and Saga Prefecture to make wine. ” is a brand launched by Team SAGASAKE, a product planned for Japanese sake in support of Saga. It can be compared with "Yuyou Zhi Zui" brewed by another new sake developed by Saga Dai.

3. GI Shiga

The National Tax Agency announced that 4/13 is the designated date for GI Shiga, which is the 12th case of sake-producing GI. For details on the characteristics of the origin, raw materials, and production methods, please refer to the production benchmark .

4. Brown sugar from the remote islands of Okinawa

Sugarcane is grown all over Okinawa Prefecture, and almost all of the sugarcane produced on the main island is processed into white sugar, but the sugarcane on the outlying islands is made into brown sugar locally in factories on the islands. After 1990, due to the weight loss craze and the popularity of artificial sweeteners, the demand for white sugar began to decline, and brown sugar, which is mostly sold as an Okinawa specialty, is now in a devastating situation due to the new crown epidemic. On the other hand, the Japanese government has established a sugarcane production increase system to prevent the islanders from moving out by maintaining sugarcane planting and processing. This is a national defense strategy consideration (I believe that if there is something in Taiwan this year, it is related to Japan. You have read a lot of related reports and will not repeat them. ). Under the situation of decreasing consumption but increasing production, of course, there will be a large amount of brown sugar inventory, which is as many as thousands of metric tons a year.

How to solve stock brown sugar from brewing technology? Mizuho Brewery's "ONERUM" Project uses brown sugar produced on 8 outlying Okinawa islands: Yonaguni Island, Iriomote Island, Hateruma Island, Obama Island, Tarama Island, Awakuni Island, Ie Island, and Iheya Island as raw materials to produce the flavors of each island. Premium rum. The first batch of Iheya Island IHEYA ISLAND RUM and Yonaguni ISLAND RUM of Yonaguni Island have been sold out, and the 4/25 Hasteruma Island version is on the market.

Hateruma Island is the southernmost inhabited island in Japan, only 200 kilometers away from Suao Port in Yilan! The label pattern is designed with the Southern Cross shining in the night sky of Hateruma Island. On clear days from late April to mid-June, the Southern Cross can be observed from the Hateruma Island Starry Sky Observatory. Starting from Taiwan, you can take a small flower to fly to Ishigaki Island, and then a trip to the outlying islands is also a good drop.

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5. Trendy Sparkling Japanese Sake

Mizuho Kiku Brewery in Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture raised development funds through CAMPFIRE to make the second product of Junmai Daiginjo Bon Déclic bondeklick, which is a bubble version. Born in 2018, Bon Déclic is a popular sake brewed with Fukuoka Yume yeast, which produces a lot of malic acid, using Mimonichiken, a sake produced in Iizuka. It is sold out every year. The sparkling version to be made this time is designed for people who don't like Japanese sake and women to enjoy easily. It is designed with a refreshing body, filtered and bottled during fermentation, and the fine and smooth foam is locked to promote the city brand Iizuka.

6. Japanese sake made from glutinous rice

In Onishi, Yamabe-gun, Nara Prefecture, there is a 7-meter-diameter, 600-metric-ton megalith called Changshou Rock, which was unearthed in 1995 during the construction of the hometown center. Changshou rock belongs to granite, which was formed by the solidification of magma at a depth of 10-20 kilometers underground when Shantian was still on the eastern edge of the Asian continent about 100 million years ago.

The ornamental rope hanging on it was made by the OB, a youth group composed of people in their 40s and 50s in the village. Due to the decrease in the number of members, it was interrupted for 20 years without making the rope. It was not until 4 years ago that it was reused on the farmland for cultivation. It is suitable for use. The glutinous rice varieties used to make Zhulian ropes are replaced by new Zhulian ropes made from straw every year. In addition, the rice grains produced in 2021 were also used, and with the assistance of Inada Brewery and Toto Hotel in Tenri City, the Japanese sake "つむぐ~TSUMUGU~" brewed with full glutinous rice was completed.

7. What should I do with the plums in Meilin Park?

Of course, there are many plum trees in the famous plum appreciating place. If the plums produced are not harvested by manpower, they will have to wait for them to fall and rot. The Meilin Park in Fujiwara-cho, Inaka City, Mie Prefecture is facing such a dilemma. There are about 4,000 plum trees in the park... In order to reduce waste as much as possible, the city government and Aqua Plan Net, which is committed to regional activation, jointly launched the INABE UME DANDY PROJECT , and cooperated with five businessmen inside and outside the city to develop new products using plums from Meilin Park. Related to liquor are Ise Kakuya Beer and Hayakawa Brewery, which have developed UME WHITE beer and みぞれ plum wine.

8. True Gin Rice

Hiroshima Prefecture's rice milling machine manufacturer SATAKE has developed flat polished rice several times on this site. In addition to the Imada Shuzo (name handle: Tomohisacho ), which first tried different forms of polished rice to brew sake, three young Tibetans in the prefecture recently Yuan, including Asahiho Brewery (Asahiho) in Asa Kita-ku, Hiroshima City, Fujii Brewery (Dragonze) in Takehara City, and Miwa Brewery (Kinrai) in Kamishi Kogen-cho, challenged to brew with the same real ginseng polished rice specifications, with Shinginshu "Hajime-" is a series name jointly launched. Under the same raw material rice, yeast and koji mushroom specifications developed by Hiroshima Prefecture, different flavors are produced due to the influence of different regions and brewing styles. It is recommended to drink in the order of Shenlei, Longshi, and Xufeng.

A guest at the presentation conference said that although he was a taste idiot, he enjoyed such an interesting wine arrangement. The next time I hear someone say that I can't tell the difference in the taste of sake, I have to bring out the flavor triangle of strong impact + neat incision, refreshing taste that spreads and immediately converges, obvious sour taste and aroma. "Hello. If you can still say that the taste is the same, I have to ask the other party if you have bought the real-name rapid screening reagent...?

3. Technical Notes

1. Sagami Nada fire technique

Kubota Sake Brewery in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture brews "Sagamihara x Yamada Nishiki Junmai Sake" after polishing 60% of Yamada Nishiki from Sagami. The way to fire this wine bottle is to warm the wine to 64°C through a snake tube, bottle, inspect and seal the cap, and then immediately cool it with well water. (2022/4/18 tvknews Pure Sagami Original Japanese Sake)

In the case of Junmai Daiginjo bag しぼり, it is to go through the bottling inspection and cap, put the whole bottle in a warm water pool of 75°C and wait until the wine inside is heated to 64°C, then immediately move it to a cold pool to cool. (2021/3/22 Tibetan Diary)

2. High malic acid yeast

Nagano R yeast: It was successfully developed in 2019, but in addition to malic acid, it also produces a strong aroma of isoamyl acetate = banana flavor.

3. Red sake

Last month, I mentioned one of the methods of producing cherry blossom color in the brewing stage of sake, anthocyanins, in addition to the pigments contained in the raw rice itself, can also be added later. Miyagi Prefecture Osaki City Ichizura's sparkling sake すず音, with pigments extracted from black beans and purple and black rice produced in the city, is dyed pink and becomes the seasonal hop めくすず sound .

If it is a wine that focuses on ancient rice, it is the pigment contained in the raw rice itself, which usually presents a complex acidity structure in terms of flavor. Maybe it's a little scary when you drink it for the first time, but it's perfect for a horror fictional story like vampires from another angle? In order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the serialization of "Higanjima", Nexus cooperated with Niigata City, Niigata City Shiokawa Brewing Co., Ltd. The name sake of the 20th anniversary of Higanjima is the ancient rice wine Yazao . It is currently in the pre-order stage and will be available on 5/30.

Another type that uses ancient rice (Purple Black Garden from Shonan, Kanagawa Prefecture) in Shidanshi is the Rainfall AFURI from Yoshikawa Brewery Co., Ltd., Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The highlight is also the flower yeast HNG-5 using ツルバラ vine rose, which is a precious and rare yeast that is only allowed to be used within the Tokyo Agricultural University Flower Yeast Research Association, and Yamada Nishiki and ancient rice are treated with low-quality whitening = rice polishing step 90%, the fermentation temperature of the mash is controlled at 6-7°C (usually 13-15°C), plus the flowing water from the rain and the mountains is hard water, and the final alcohol concentration is only 13%.

As for the method of using yeast to produce red pigment, I will write down a spring-limited product UA さくらbuki, which is a collaboration between Fairy Bird and UNITED ARROWS, which can only be purchased from UA.

4. Ishikawa flower yeast

Since 2010, the Ishikawa Prefectural Industrial Test Site has been researching yeast isolated from grass and flowers at tourist spots in the prefecture, and has surveyed more than 1,300 strains so far. In 2015, a sake was developed using yeast collected from the Yae Sakura in Kenrokuen by the Prefectural Brewers Association. The research on the use of sakura yeast in brewing beer started in 2020. At the beginning, it was found that sakura yeast could not be converted from wort to alcohol. After a year and a half of repeated studies to adjust the concentration of chemical substances and the growth time of yeast, finally Can increase from an initial alcohol concentration of less than 1% to about 4.5%. However, whether the sweet apricot-like aroma and fruity taste obtained in the trial product can be maintained in the future stage of mass production is an important issue for future commercialization.

In addition, in 2022, the prefectural industrial test will also start to develop Japanese sake using yeast collected from Noto Kirishima Rhododendron, and experiments to improve the aroma of Japanese sake fermentation with Kenrokuen Yae Sakura yeast.

Speaking of キリシマツツジ, although it will bloom, it will not bear fruit, so it is grown by artificial ramets. It was originally a horticultural variety called Edo Kirishima. In fact, there are different opinions on how it spread to the Noto Peninsula, but from the DNA identification results It is shown that it belongs to the Edo Kirishima breed group. The important thing about Noto Kirishima Rhododendron is that, whether in Japan or around the world, the only place where you can find more than 500 old azalea trees that are more than 100 years old is Noto, and you must protect this place well. Each farmhouse has a large Kirishima rhododendron, which is also Noto's unique style.

5. Functional properties of sake yeast

Hiroshima University and the Japan Medical Research and Development Agency announced on 2022/4/7 that S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), which is abundant in sake yeast, can prolong the life of living things. This paper was also published in the UK on the same day. Online edition of the medical journal Aging Cell. SAH is a metabolite that exists in living organisms and can activate the reaction of methionine into other substances in cells. The study found that feeding SAH as food to other yeasts of unicellular organisms and nematodes of multicellular organisms, it was found that yeast and nematodes lived 1.6 times and 1.3 times longer, respectively. Decreased methionine is associated with increased biological lifespan. In experiments, it was found that the amount of methionine in yeast fed SAH was less than half that of yeast not fed SAH. Experiments in mice will be carried out in the future.

6. Sake brewing schedule

The five-pointed star made by Ohama Shuzo, Fukui Prefecture Ohama Co., Ltd. is a Junmai Daiginjo that determines the brewing date based on the lunar calendar of the Yin-Yang Road. The entire brewing process is carried out on auspicious days on the calendar.

  • The first steaming sake mother rice made りのスタート Japanese order and November 12, 3 years, the day of grace and the day of forgiveness
  • The beginning of adding え hanging rice. Sandanshi 込みのFirst paragraph order and November 19th, 3 years 満月
  • Zhongtian え hanging rice. Sandanshi 込みのSecond paragraph order and November 21, 3 years, a thousand times the day
  • Leave Tim え hanging rice. Sandanshi 込みのthird stage order and November 22, 3 years, a thousand times the day
  • Squeeze り on the trough.もろみを squeeze り sake に Reiwa December 17th, 3 years, closed the mind, one grain ten thousand times the day
  • Fire into れ heat を plus え て 発 ferment を STOP め sterilization order and February 22, 4, a thousand times the day

4. A quick overview of the average output price of sake

Japanese sake export destinations Average FOB/L price in March 2022 Average FOB/L price in February 2022 Average FOB/L price in 2022 Average FOB/L price in 2021 Average FOB/L price in 2020
Taiwan 830 yen 717 yen 694 yen 652 yen 629 yen
Hongkong 2,597 yen 2,955 yen 2,790 yen 2,870 yen 2,350 yen
China 1,579 yen 1,767 yen 1,793 yen 1,414 yen 1,214 yen
U.S. 1,098 yen 1,301 yen 1,198 yen 1,087 yen 962 yen

Supplementary information: The Oneshima Research Institute, located in Edo Island, Hachisuji Town, Matsue City, obtained an export-use sake manufacturing exemption on 4/21, and plans to start exporting sake to Asian markets such as Singapore and Taiwan in the spring of 2023, and sell sake limited to foreign tourists in the store. Taste.


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