Describe your life in one sentence, what would you say?

Bittersweet, not perfect, but not bad

Adler once said: "All troubles are actually related to relationships." This made me think of one thing, if you want life to be less painful, should you cut off relationships with everyone? After living my life alone, telling a joke, who is more suitable to be a monk than me?

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that a large part of Adler's point is right. It is precisely because we cannot handle the relationship between people well, so we stop moving forward, so many successful entrepreneurs will It is suggested that the most important thing when you first step into sociology is communication. A life without communication is like washing dishes without dishwashing liquid. No matter how you wash them, they will not be clean.

For me, who is not good at communication, to describe life in one sentence, it may be like Les Miserables, full of injustice, but I still work hard for the Libra in my heart and try to believe in this world

As my own psychiatrist, I know very clearly that I am more sensitive to negative information, and it is relatively easy to store it in my memory. For positive, happy, joyful information, it is not so easy to detect, when I recall the big and small in life. It's hard to think of good memories when it's small.

I dare not say that it has something to do with heredity, but it must be more or less related to the family environment and the personality of the parents. After all, before we mature, what we most often see are the words and deeds of our parents. It is like copying the same model like a copier, so rich people and children usually also learn rich living habits and thinking, and also obtain relatively good resources, which should be the most frequently mentioned thing.

In the eyes of negative people, they will think that the world is cruel and dangerous, and then they will focus on the inferiority complex that the starting point is inferior to others. I don't know how positive people would describe this incident, but after my speculation, it should be: "Clearly understand that there are people who are worse than me and people who are not as good as me, but since I see this clearly, Try to change your mind, choose to get along with positive people, and achieve your personal goals.”

It doesn't matter what kind of person we are, we are all great people, it's just that we got to know ourselves better today, it turned out to be the case, this is me, what kind of life you want to live next depends entirely on yourself Target.


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