📱Tech Gym🔜《XareFit Enjoy Fitness》 Xinyi Anhe Store


✨Article source 🔜 https://www.yehclinic.com/xarefit/

"XareFit Enjoy Fitness" Xinyi Anhe Store, located near Xinyi Anhe Station, Exit 1 of the MRT Station, the red building B1 you see when you walk out is where the gym is located.

XareFit is an innovative fitness brand that creates a "technical gym" from membership registration, course booking, free trainer sharing platform, and capture of equipment exercise data, allowing consumers to easily make exercise a part of their lives.

Xinyi Anhe Store has two entrances, one is on Anhe Road (the entrance is small), and the other is in the alley of Xinyi Road (the entrance is large). .


Zero binding contracts, more freedom, and more flexibility! The monthly fee of 600 yuan is equivalent to 20 yuan per day! No class, no stress fitness space! Adding, maintaining and updating each member's information and sports data is a time cost, so as long as it is a new member, it will be charged once.

"Enjoy Fitness" currently has about 3,800 members, the monthly fee is 600 yuan, and a one-time fee of 600 yuan will be charged when joining (update & maintain member information). When you start exercising, a monthly fee will be charged proportionally according to the number of days remaining in the month; when the contract is terminated, an additional fee of 600 yuan will be charged.

Venue introduction

Before my visit, I had contact with assistant Carol, and the receptionists were Rumi and BOBO (Super Marathon). The gym covers an area of about 700 ping. According to the picture, clockwise from top to bottom are:

1⃣️Free weight training area

2⃣️Multifunctional training area

3⃣️Shower and toilet for boys and girls

4⃣️ Aerobic zone

5⃣️Fixed equipment training area

6⃣️Multifunctional classrooms A, B, C, D

These multi-functional classrooms can provide venue rental and hold coach training related courses. During my visit today, I happened to come across the "Fitness and Exercise Strategies for Overweight and Obesity" organized by the "B Square Education Institute". The lecturer was Alexis Batrakoulis; last year, I also attended the same course in Lixin Hospital (however, the content of the course should be update again).

7⃣️Flywheel classroom (missed shot...)

8⃣️Recovery Center

The sports recovery center cooperates with physical therapists to provide sports massage and other services. In addition, there is a "German Light Energy Comfort Cabin" that uses infrared radiation to achieve sports recovery effects.

9⃣️VIP room

I didn't go in and visit the innermost VIP room... However, I can see the outside side, it is expected that a refrigerator will be placed, and some light meals such as high protein or salad will be provided, so that members who have finished exercising can buy it directly.

🔟Central boxing area, TRX suspension training, HIIT (+stretching) area

XareFit APP

Because the main "tech gym", as long as you are a member, you must register the XareFit APP, and the mobile APP will link your personal information, retraining records, Inbody data (free measurement once a month), etc. The XareFit APP will also bind a credit card, and the monthly fee will be debited directly from the credit card.


"Enjoy Fitness" does not have specially hired coaches, but will provide venues for the coaches to lead the students to class. Therefore, the cooperating coaches need to become the commercial cooperation members of "Enjoy Fitness" first, and the students must also be members of "Enjoy Fitness".

On the XareFit APP, the qualifications of the cooperative coaches are provided, as well as the function of making reservations for classes; the general fee is 1000~1500 yuan/single class, and you can purchase a single class or multiple classes. However, the gym will also have fixed group classes, such as: flywheels, etc.


"XareFit Enjoy Fitness", combined with technology APP, has a variety of heavy training and aerobic equipment, covering a large area, and you can even practice CrossFit in it; in addition, there is also a training classroom and a sports recovery center. There is also a light meal service.

The monthly fee of "Enjoy Fitness" is 600 yuan, plus the relatively cheap coaching class fees in the Greater Taipei area, it can be said to be quite competitive! I like the atmosphere of the whole gym, I think it is well planned, what do you think?

Author: Dr. Ye Junju ( Metabolism Specialist , Lecturer in Greater China of American Sports Medicine Association , Medical Consultant of Ogma Fitness Center , Consultant of Compal Computer Project )


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葉峻榳醫師葉峻榳醫師,新陳代謝暨內分泌專科,專攻糖尿病、肥胖等疾病。熱愛運動,朝著整合「醫學」與「運動」的目標,幫助人們變得更強壯。 葉峻榳醫師:https://chunting.me/ 葉峻榳醫師診療室:https://www.yehclinic.com/blog
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