

"As for stories that are made up outright...they think they have nothing to fear, and they are not afraid of talking nonsense. However, because of this, the content is vague and borderline, and if the memory is not very secure, it is too easy to forget it." (Montaigne, "On Lies" )

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Suddenly stopped, stood up, walked to the window, it turned out to be the beginning of the drizzle.

A few moths revolved around the candle, but because of the glass cover, they clapped.

The piano I played just now is silent now. The letterhead I had just read was scattered on the desk. A gust of wind, a gust of rain, and the wetness of the raindrops on the body.

I originally planned to reply immediately, but standing by the window, feeling the rain, suddenly lost the interest in picking up a pen. Obviously looking forward to it, but it can only be written in a careless manner, but probably everyone will only think that the letter written in this way is a kind of indifference.


Puan Mantra, who composed the song?

It is said that this piece was recorded for the first time in the Ming Dynasty qin score "Three Teachings Simultaneous Voice", and its original tonal rhythm was used to express the chanting in the Zen courtyard.

What I have heard is a version of Mr. Wu Jinglue, which is neither impatient nor impetuous, looming.

I have also found different versions played by different people before, except that I have never heard it in person, and it seems that I have a lot of ear blessings. It can be played well, but it is impatient, and it must be patient.

At the beginning, I wanted to listen to the guqin, but I still had a kind of arty mind. The so-called qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, literati, a guqin is better than a piano, and it is more suitable for a certain ancient meaning.

A certain rich man bought a large number of bronze wares and happily invited guests to hold an "Ancient Ding Meeting". After three days, the guests all went to the appointment as scheduled. After greeting each other, they went to the study in the inner courtyard to watch. Sure enough, it is a good bronze ware, each one is bright and bright, the tall one is half a person long, the short one can be held in the hand, and it is full.

The rich man was happy and said repeatedly: Please, please, please.

The guests looked at each other in dismay, and it was really hard to say anything. Finally, someone couldn't help but picked up a small copper plate and asked: This is... how is it so clean?

The rich man said with a smile: It really took a lot of work. It took a lot of people to clean it up in the past three days.

It turns out that the bronze wares are now polished and washed to reveal their true colors. It looks like a treasure unearthed, one is counted as one, and it is new, and it is much better than the one that was just cast.

Later, people had to hide their mouths, saving the trouble of distinguishing between true and false.


I am sympathetic to the rich.

But my sympathy, if it were there, would only be seen as a form of ridicule.

People like the new and hate the old, but for antiques, the more ancient the better. The so-called pulp, the so-called patina, the soil is buried in water, the more old it is, the more rhythmic and bright it is.

But if there is no new device, where will the old one come from?

In ancient times, there was an emperor who did not like new clothes. He needed old clothes and old shoes to dress comfortably. The history books are written about being diligent and thrifty, but how could the emperor himself be such a person? The factory fires porcelain, sculpts seals, draws patterns, and creates all kinds of strange gadgets. Which one of the money spent in this is not more expensive than wearing new clothes?

It is often the case in the legends of later generations.

This is probably the reason why real villains are more likable than hypocrites. Compared with people who are full of lies and forget what they have said, the bad guys still have the word "true" after all. If you say that you are bad, you will be pregnant with you, and you will be cut with a thousand swords, and you will be killed. But this is not the case with hypocrites. Even if the punishment is equal, it is difficult for you to face this endless emptiness comfortably. For example, if you kill a pig, there will be flesh and blood, but if you kill a balloon, what will be left? A torn skin?


At this time and place, Mr. Wu Jinglue's record is still spinning slowly, and the rain is constantly, neither non-stop, but also constantly.

Originally, I couldn't write anything, but this state of mind of not writing may not have nothing to write about.

The empty room was the only light in the mountains. The moths were so tired that they were lying beside the lampshade. They had strength, but they still refused to stop.

I don't think that this little creature has any meaning to inspire.

Just like the spider mentioned in the fairy tale, the general can be inspired by the tenacity of being broken and knotted, and broken and knotted, and finally he has repeatedly failed and achieved a great reputation. But who saw the spider, how could it be one person, and there were very few who could win the battle. Fables are always fables, and stories are just stories. Life doesn't always exist in assumptions, and you and I are just one of thousands of people.


Epicurus said that the essence of prosperity is not to relieve troubles, but to transform them.

Those who say this sentence and quote this sentence are not ignorant of the embarrassment of poverty, just as those who talk about tranquility often just walked out of the fire house, they only have personal experience when they say this.

The rich man polished the old bronzes because he did not understand the meaning of antiques, but from the purpose of making these bronzes, it is difficult to tell who understands better.

Just like the rain outside the window and the letters in front of the lamp, whoever has seen it has the understanding of whoever has seen it; but if I don't say it, how much can you understand? It's like looking at an ancient painting, reading a book in the mountains, and trekking after the snow. I am not the person in the painting, but I can understand the painter's mind and experience the twists and turns of the characters in this painting. It is difficult for people to communicate, but it is more valuable than communication.


 Seventy years of life are rare, first remove the young and then remove the old.
When there are not many scenes in the middle, there are worries and troubles.
After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is unknown, and the Qingming flowers are not good.
Before the flowers bloom and the moon sings, the golden bottle must be poured down urgently.
There is too much money in the world, and the officials in Chaoli can't do much.
Guan Da Qian Duo's heart turned to worry, and he ended up with his own head early.
Spring, summer, autumn and winter are at the fingertips, and the clock sends the rooster at dusk to announce the dawn.
You scrutinize the people in front of you, burying the grass once a year.
There are so many graves in the grass that no one sweeps them in half a year.
(Tang Yin's "Song of the World")


Although the strings stopped, there was still a faint sound in the air.

Rain is like a complaint, what I see today is the white cloud of his Nianjun.

At the end of a letter, there are only polite words left.

But these few words seem to be the rich man's bronze ware, far better than the emperor's old clothes and old shoes.

Can not help but fill another sheet of paper, but refused to send.

The people of the past have sung their bodies and gone, and the night sky here and here has ten thousand characters. Playing the piano in the east and listening to it in the west, the flow of life is unimaginable.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

silm喜愛讀書,喜愛詩,更喜歡哪個? [大家不用困惑,我關注和拍手都是很隨性的,不用一定回拍,也不用一定回關。因為我是把追蹤作為一個個人閲讀器,不定期梳理,隨着自己的關注變化,關注再取關,取關又關注。所以不要困擾,都好,都好,大家一切都好。^_^]
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