Looking back at youth, facing old age


I was chatting in the car that day, and I told you that time flies, and it will be nearly 40 years in a flash.

But thinking about it carefully, I had not officially graduated from university. After receiving the interview notice from the TV station, I took the train to an unfamiliar place by myself, and then changed into high heels in the TV station toilet, put on makeup for myself, and prepared for the interview. The courage and energy at that time still amazes me to this day. I go to interviews, fail, and try again and again like this...

At the age of 32, I left the post-production company, but I accidentally saw a job advertisement on a TV show. The dream of working in a TV station is still in my heart, so I decided to go to the TV station for an interview again. At that time, I told myself that whether I succeed or fail, this is the last time. Sure enough, God pays off, and finally managed to stay in the TV program team and the news department for a while, which can be regarded as a fulfillment of my dream for many years.

"Now, I can't do that anymore."

"Haha, that's called young and frivolous." You said to me with a smile.

People say that when I stand at 30, I am nearly forty, and I am still me, living a simple but comfortable life, but silver threads gradually appear on my head. A while ago, I was suddenly called "Auntie" by a stranger. In an instant, it was like thunder, and I could only smile bitterly in my heart: What should come will always come.

When I was young, I always chased my dreams, but now I start to think about how to manage my life with heart, so that I can face the passage of time more calmly and accept myself as I am getting older. Especially recently, many friends around me began to hear the news of their parents' passing away, and I couldn't help feeling that impermanence was always there. I hope that I can treat myself and the precious people and things around me more sincerely. Although the growth of age has made me lose the momentum and vision of my youth, it has also brought me a gift, which is to make me feel more in my heart. Calm and stable. Begin to have a better understanding and understanding of life, the environment, society, all kinds of intimate relationships, including your inner world, and let yourself gradually move towards a more open-minded state of mind and continue to live!



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一枚小确幸雜志編輯 | 寫詞人 | 業餘畫畫尚未到家 | 二手書店店長 | 不安分的雙子座 | 愛貓不養貓 YT/FB/IG:一枚小確幸 A Little Bliss FB/IG:小如繪畫筆記 RuyunSketch
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