Action Movie with Wisdom


[Shuixiang Inscription] Despite the setbacks from Busia, the determination of the two directors will not change.

Perhaps more than two decades ago, the Wakowski sisters, who were not yet transgender, could not have imagined that the film would be well received. At that time, the two of them only wanted to make new ideas and do something out of the ordinary. Tired of Hollywood's cookie-cutter McDonald's making hamburgers, both decided to make an intellectual action movie:

“We just really want to see how the idea of an intellectual action movie is received by the world,” said Larry Wachowski, 33, the older half of the team of writer-directors. “Because if audiences are sort of interested in movies that are made like McDonald's hamburgers, which do have a value in the world, then we have to re-evaluate our entire career."

“Our main goal with The Matrix was to make an intellectual action movie,” Larry explains. “We like action movies, guns and kung fu, but we're tired of assembly-line action movies that are devoid of any intellectual content. We were determined to put as many ideas into the movie as we could, and purposefully set out to try to put images up on the screen that people haven't ever seen before."

In the booklet included in the movie CD set, the director attached a short essay written by himself (An Introduction from the Wachowski Brothers) to introduce the original intention of the creation, that is, he mentioned that the two were eager to break the Hollywood activity film for granted, "noisy, stupid and shallow" stereotype. Perhaps inspired by a question reported in The New York Times, the world has since born a trilogy known as philosophical films. This question is the most primitive philosophical doubt of mankind: why?

When The New York Times demands that Hollywood deliver action films that are "Loud, dumb and obvious" one might be inclined to ask, with of course the proper deference that one must accord to such an esteemed and learned publication, "Why?"

Why do action movies have to be "noisy, stupid, and shallow"? One afternoon, the two stayed in a small apartment in Chicago, just passing the time and chatting casually about why. Why do martial arts and wisdom seem to be insulated from each other and mutually exclusive? Chatting and chatting, the two people with strong vigor thought of one place, and they fell deeper and deeper, unable to extricate themselves.

After the passion was gradually clarified into a plan, the two who dropped out of school in the past were eager to imitate the ancient Greek Socrates and bring a little intellectual stimulation to the public. However, he chose a path that Socrates did not expect: filming Hollywood activities.

It was our sincerest hope that our movies might inspire or perhaps provoke a little Socratic interaction, something beyond, “Remember that one part? That was cool.”

"The Matrix" certainly lives up to its name as a philosophical film, and two talented directors have undoubtedly brought a lot of wisdom to the action film. But for Warner Bros., the film company at the time, investing in The Matrix was an adventure. After the painting was finally published and sold, Sister Wagorsky was not satisfied enough. Before the company was going to publish the exquisite movie CD set, he made a bold proposal to the company, saying that he wanted to record several philosophers and film critics talking about their viewing experiences and put them on the CD. And the proposal came true.

Warner Bros., again with the patience of saints, asked for clarification. “Let us get this straight. You want to get a few critics to sit in a room and kill the movies for six hours and you want us to pay for it? "Right. "And you think your fans are going to want to listen to this?" Well, we think our fans are interested in a different kind of experience and that while the critics will undoubtedly exasperate and infuriate them, we think our fans will understand what we are trying to do. “And what exactly are you trying to do?” Find an answer. “An answer to what?” An answer to “Why?”

Why do this? Because I want to lure more people to ask why, and drive those who get lost or even turn around in the search to continue to struggle. "Make up your fucking mind." (continued)

We encourage the consciously curious to flip back and forth going from complexity to simplicity, from internal to external, and from somewhere between the search and the denial of meaning, we ask the curious to "Make up their own damn mind."

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