What? Wenzhou big wonton blunt is not actually from Wenzhou?

Mun Is Writing
If you are interested in the development of the above-mentioned three situations, you may wish to have a bowl of this "beef noodles" as an appetizer, and learn about it first.

as the title;

  • Do you/do you know that Wenzhou Big Wonton is not actually from Wenzhou? (don't know) ;
  • Would you be curious about how Taiwan Railway Bento came into being? (will be curious) ;
  • Wondering why French bread is a famous dish in Vietnam? (want to ask) ;
  • Want to know more about the history of Hamburg? (want to know)

Okay, thank you for your warm response, let's talk about Taiwanese food "beef noodles" today .
(OS: er...beef noodles related to the above problem?)

Ps: If you want to know the answers to the above questions, or more stories about "eating", be sure to scroll down to the end.

"Beef Noodles" is one of Taiwan's representative delicacies. Whether it is paired with the original basic braised/braised soup, or the new flavors such as tomato/pumpkin developed by the store in the later stage, it is sure to make foodies eat with relish. .

As for this well-known national food, in addition to enjoying the current delicacy after serving, do you also want to learn a little about beef noodles during the process?

Welcome to listen to (watch) this single episode Podcast~

※ " ○○ • ⅩⅩⅩ-ⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ)" EP44 Beef Noodles in the Era of Great American Aid🍜

Acacia Knife Noodles_Tomato Beef Noodles

  • What is the Great American Aid Era? from WWII

    During World War II, the United States held a "neutral" attitude toward war, and in order to support the Allies without directly participating in the war, in 1941, the U.S. Congress passed the "Lend-Lease Program". The materials needed for the war are exported. The bill was initially "lease-lease" to countries such as the United Kingdom, while other countries such as the Republic of China were included in the follow-up due to changes in the situation.
  • The Marshall Plan

    After World War II, the Lend-Lease Act was changed to the Marshall Plan, the most important foreign policy of the United States after World War II; it was aimed at the defeated countries (Europe) to assist their economic recovery, also known as the "European Recovery Plan".

    (Small addition: After the end of the first World War, the victorious countries demanded high compensation from the defeated countries. However, the defeated countries had long since collapsed their national economy because of the war. Therefore, the huge economic pressure was considered to be one of the reasons for the Second World War. )

  • Initiation of U.S. Government Aid to the Republic of China

    Although the "Marshall Plan" mainly supports European countries, the United States also pays close attention to the development trend of Asian countries.

    In 1948 , the U.S. government and the Republic of China signed the China Aid Act of 1948; at the time of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the support provided by the United States at that time was not only used for economic purposes, but also for military assistance in the civil war.

    In 1949 , with the withdrawal of the ROC government to Taiwan, the "China Aid Act" temporarily came to an end on military aid.

    In 1950, the Korean Peninsula, which was originally colonized by Japan, has since the end of World War II drawn a "38-degree dividing line" near 38 degrees north latitude, dividing it into two parts: south and north. The Korean War broke out because North Korea wanted to unify the entire Korean peninsula.

    In view of the fact that if North Korea captures the entire Korean peninsula, "communism" will spread from South Korea to the entire Asian region like a domino effect; in order to prevent the expansion of communism, the US government assigns its own army and the United Nations army to lead South Korea and North Korea to compete , while also pulling up the "defense line in the Pacific".

    From the northernmost Japan, to the south through Ryukyu, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Malaysia; Taiwan is located in the "C position" of the defense line and has a geographically important strategic position. In order to protect Taiwan, the U.S. government patrolled the Taiwan Strait with the Seventh Fleet to assist in the defense of Taiwan until Taiwan and the United States severed diplomatic ties in 1979.

    In 1951 , the U.S. Congress passed the Common Security Act, which started continuous assistance to Taiwan for nearly 15 years from 1951 to 1965. At that time, most of the funding for public construction such as the Zhongheng Highway and Shimen Reservoir came from this.
  • Changes in eating habits accompany the development of beef noodles

    In addition to infrastructure, domestic agricultural products such as corn, soybeans, cotton and other cash crops have also been shipped to Taiwan one after another. Among them, a large number of imported wheat and flour have played a role in the changing eating habits of Taiwan.

    The original eating habits are mostly rice, and wheat and other related agricultural products are imported, bread, steamed buns, noodles and other pasta, adding more options to Taiwan's three meals.

    There are many different versions of the origin of beef noodles, one of which is said to be invented by Sichuanese living in Kaohsiung; since the Republic of China government retreated to Taiwan and settled near Gangshan, Sichuan soldiers who missed the taste of their hometown improved their hometown. "Small bowl of beef in red soup", with noodles, it becomes "Sichuan Beef Noodles" (presumably the ancestor of braised soup).

Single-episode Podcast (who) revealed

"○○•XXXXX-XXXXXXXX)" = "Eat History•Eat History"

Yes, this article is to come (introduce) "History of Eating" (self-interpreted as the history of eating).

On the way to the destination during a trip, a friend played a certain episode of this Podcast in the car. I remember it was talking about the history of red wine, maybe it was related to "eating", and I began to pay attention to them since then. .

Why "beef noodles"?

The first meal (dinner) I ate when I first arrived in Taiwan was noodles. Although it wasn't beef noodles, I thought Taiwanese noodles were delicious. After getting acquainted with Taiwanese beef noodles, I have the habit of coming to a bowl every once in a while (I just ate a bowl today), especially when there are two famous local beef noodle restaurants near the campus, and each has fans. .

Since I came to Taiwan to study, I have often heard about the delicate relationship between the United States, China, and Taiwan. In recent news reports, related issues have almost never stopped. The cover of a magazine directly pointed out that "Taiwan's current situation is most dangerous place on earth".

So I thought of this bowl/this episode of "Beef Noodles" , which talks about the story of Taiwanese beef noodles, but also tells the relationship between the United States, China, and Taiwan in modern history. It's enough to get something.

If you are interested in the development of the above three situations, you may wish to have a bowl of this "beef noodles" as an appetizer to understand first.

"Eat History" EP44 Beef Noodles in the Era of Great American Aid (click to open the link)

Oh, by the way, the answers to all kinds of "eat" questions at the beginning are all in the channel, welcome to "eat"~

Photo from_open.spotify.com

Note: The historical information in this article is mainly referenced and sorted out from "Eat History • Eat History" EP44 Beef Noodles in the Era of Great American Aid.


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