I don't hate people, I just don't think they deserve forgiveness

The past is gone, but what remains is not just regrets and scars that are easy to open, but also...

"Love" has taught us a lot of things, because of love, we sacrifice, because of love, we enjoy joys and sorrows, we are forced to learn to see the beauty of love more, and let the negative aspects of love consume ourselves in our hearts, just like this, we Life is not only killing time, but also "love". Gradually, "love" is exhausted, and you can't love or be loved. Then, in such a situation, when you think about why people want to live, they doubt it. Whether life is meaningless.

Man is a strange animal, and he can't bear his own inadequacies, and his inadequacies come from comparison with others. If he is insufficient and unwilling to the status quo, he will find a way to bring down the object of comparison, or let himself improve until he is satisfied. Sadly, most people choose the former instead of the latter.

Taken from Pinterest [bullying]

When I realized that I was being compared, I didn’t take it for granted. As long as I do what the adults tell me, it’s fine, but often the problem is when you think: “Just do things well.” Do well. Those who are not good will get attention. Boys with gentle personality will feel pretentious. Pretentious people are annoying. Pretentious people deserve to be bullied. In this way, they are only elementary school and become the target of bullying.

I hate the phrase "hateful people must be hateful", because I really don't think I have anything to hate, and if there is, it's not serious enough to face this kind of treatment, I'm a precocious child , not because of the ups and downs in life, but because I have experienced everything with my heart since I was a child, why is the lyrics of a song written like this, what can I experience from these lyrics and melody, I hope I can To understand the creator's current mood, or to carefully write stories one by one, eight o'clock, serials, novels... I would think why he did this, and if it was me, how should I deal with that feeling of powerlessness and guilt , although not personally experienced, but also unforgettable.

When I faced bullying, I chose to ask the teacher for help, but the teacher often just called the students to give a verbal warning. Although these things were not life-threatening, they also left an indelible black spot in my life. I once went back to my alma mater when I was in elementary school and asked my tutor at the time. At the beginning, I also said some scenes that I hadn’t seen for a long time. What did I do now?

After the conversation changed, I asked the teacher, "Did you not know what to do in the past?" The teacher nodded silently. I didn't blame the teacher, nor did I blame the people who bullied me at that time. There are other students who are bystanders. Although I don't hate them, I don't think they deserve to be forgiven. After all, the wounds are still there, and I will never forget them for the rest of my life.

I have thought about it, I shouldn't be the only one who encounters these things. I often encounter such bad things in my life. Why is it that I am the only one who can't bear it, and someone else's casual words can enter my heart and make me down. Why do I just want others to be happy, or do not want others to leave, why am I doing what I think is right to be bullied.

When I was about ten years old, I only thought that if I had to go through so many painful things when I was born, then I would rather not be born in this world, and I couldn't leave or decide how I wanted to live. I just wanted to escape from this life called life. 's prison.


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