Fu Shan and Huang Chunyao

Fu Shan (August 11, 1607 - July 25, 1684), whose real name was Dingchen, styled Qingzhu, later changed his name to Shan, changed his style to Qingzhu, and used the characters to call him Gongzhita, Gongta, Zhenshan, and Zhuyi. Taoist, Stone Taoist, Sik Lu, Qiao Huang, Qiao Song and so on.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were a lot of people who could record it.

When there is no hope, but there is still hope, it is death and discomfort.

In the Qing Dynasty, the slogan of anti-Qing and Fuming was always undercurrent, and even the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were well aware of this.

Therefore, at the beginning of entering the customs, slaughtering one place was insufficient, adding two, and then three; later, he cleaned up his mind, established a name, and added "the country is not wrong". Unfortunately, generally speaking, the more you want to advertise , is often the more missing. Looking back on history, the founding emperors of all dynasties have taken precautions, and they are exactly where their inner worries lie. Yongzheng called his succession "Zheng", and added his brothers as "pig dogs", and together with Zeng Jing and others, he was "confused about the righteousness" everywhere, but throughout the Qing Dynasty, the most suspicious person was himself. Qianlong boasted that he was "an old man of perfection", but no matter whether he was alive or dead, he seemed to be unable to escape the reputation of prosperity and decline. On the contrary, when it comes to the time when there is no longer a prison of words, and no more words to gain the righteousness of the country, although the country's power is declining, and even the capital is occupied by outsiders, it has a sense of orthodoxy. But this is the setting sun of the west wind, and the last rays of the sun have left.

In Fu Shan's era, it was naturally a hopeless era.

"Guo Yu's Sorrow" is the time when it can be resolved anytime and anywhere. Kangxi wanted to carry out a national cultural project to attract people from all over the world, under the guise of being erudite and Hongru. This was naturally compared to the previous Yuan Dynasty, with vision, but also less arrogant self-confidence.

Fu Shan is a famous person, so he must be forced to go to Beijing.

Malingering? it is good! Even the bed was carried away, and after all, it was sent all the way to the capital.

Master Fu Qing knows medicine, so he prescribes it for himself. If he eats diarrhea, naturally he can't let me stink of the emperor, right?

But no! You think this is the selection of talents, for the sake of Kangxi's face, let's give you an exemption from the test.

This is like Zhang Haogu, Mr. Baizi, who said you can do it, you can do it, as long as Kangxi is willing, whether you have diarrhea or die, anyway, I want you to participate.

Lin Chong had to kill before he could get a certificate for going up the mountain, but Yang Zhi was pulled over for a long time and refused to obey Wang Lun.

The difference lies in Wang Lun's mind.

In the end, Kangxi gave a Zhongshusheren the official position, but the emperor's face could not be lost, so another villain asked Fu Shan to thank him.

refuse? OK, keep going.

Outside the palace, Fu Shan just cried bitterly, lying on the ground without saying a word.

Feng Pu (this person is very interesting, later Shizu was fortunate to the inner courtyard, Gu Daji said: "I see Feng Pu as a real Hanlin!") asked Fu Qingzhu to go to thank him, and sent someone to carry him to the Meridian Gate in a sedan chair, Fu Qingzhu cried bitterly , lying on the ground unwilling to get up.

It's embarrassing.

But that's all there is to it, this is also a thank you, let him go.

A total of 143 people were elected by the local government this year, and 50 people were admitted. Fu Shan was not included in the official list. He would not hesitate to die and resist to the end, but at the same time, there are also people who are running around everywhere, trying to squeeze into the recommended speculators. Later, Yongzheng and Qianlong also prepared for their own exams. Since then, this unusual examination method has gradually ceased to be a big deal. This is precisely in line with the degree to which the Qing Dynasty was firmly established.

State affairs cannot be done, but life has to go on. Although oneself is useless, future generations still have their own destiny.

Among the works written by Fu Shan are "Family Instructions", among which "Xunzi Nephew" is worth reading.

Mei and Ren were reading books every day, but I always thought they were dull and did not have the agility to surpass both. The people of Jianguan have children who read and are more blunt than Ermei and benevolence, and I am again Shaoshuer. Two children above the capital, can still read with the words. At this time, it is a meeting of mental health, and one should not concentrate on it for three or four years.
I remember that when I was in the middle of the twentieth century, I read the "Selected Works" and "Kyoto" fu. First, I identified the characters, then read them. Wuchen will be published, and Mr. Ziyou ordered fifty-three articles for me. Xixi Masheng and I have a better memory, how many days can we get. Ma Sheng also assumes high capital, poor ability, and four or five articles. After Wu Zhumu finished reciting, and when breakfast became a call for food, fifty-three chapters were catchy, and one word was unpleasant. The horse was astonished and astonished like a god. Since then, all books, both modern and ancient, have not passed through my eyes. However, it is only five or six years that I can remember the time. If you go out at 30, you will be reduced by five or six, and at forty, you will be reduced by nine points.
Self-hatred because of his talent, he never studied the history of the scriptures behind closed doors for ten years, which made his writing aspirations unhappy. At this time of turmoil, there is no power to buy books, and I will encounter them and dabble in the ears. At the same time, with anxiety and depression, the world of Artemisia changes. Qiang Po bowed his head as a silverfish, and ended the year. The fire hides the flames, and hates the big bad guy's bones and bones, bends the strong prancing horse, woohoo! Or persuade me to write, the writing must be steadfast and vigorous, and then restrain the vertical and horizontal. I opened the mansion, and I was extremely depressed. Although it is said that Yu Qing wrote books out of poverty, but Yu Qing's sorrow can be explained by a book, my sorrow, Guo Yu's sorrow, there is no time and no place to write a book. Or there may be some leftovers and incomplete sentences, and later people falsely accuse Liu Yin of being worthy of me, and my eyes will be closed!
All generations work hard, love their talents, and read books as friends, so that when my writing skills are mature and my knowledge is firm, it will not be difficult for me to achieve my writing aspirations. In addition to the classics, "Historical Records", "Han Shu", "Warring States Policy", "Guoyu", "Zuo Zhuan", "Li Sao", "Zhuangzi" and "Guanzi" must be read carefully. The rest are left to their own liking, just ignore them. Twenty-one Histories I have already tried to say, the records listed in the three books "Jin", "Liao", and "Yuan" should not be read as official history.

The young Fu Shan is very intelligent, he reads and recites, and he is very proud even if he recalls it later.

It's just that the memory and understanding of life go up and down with each other, and the older you are, those instant memories will gradually weaken. So he sighed that he didn't study hard enough back then, and he didn't really study the books he should read behind closed doors for ten years, and now it's difficult to write books on his own. Therefore, he encouraged the two children to work hard, to cherish their precious time, to be "reading friends", to slowly save, and to complete their unfinished wishes after the pen is old and determined.

However, when he recommended the must-reads, he deliberately singled out "Guanzi", which was quite different.

He himself once said: It is enough for future generations to make continuous books to be good people of the township party.

After the generosity of heaven and earth, it is very difficult to maintain one's body and take benevolence, but in the next few generations, how can it be managed to be bright and clear?

Huang Chunyao, who committed suicide in Jiading massacre, wrote before his death: "Huang Chunyao, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, committed suicide in the Xicheng monastery on the fourth day of the seventh month of the first year of Hongguang. Woohoo! If you enter the royal family, you can't proclaim your power, you can't retreat and you can't hide yourself. There is no success in learning the Tao, and it is just that.

In the following two hundred and sixty-eight years, the Qing Dynasty was under domestic and foreign difficulties, and the widow and child had to issue an edict of abdication.

At this time, Fu Shan had also passed away for 228 years, and the later generations compiled the "Shuanghong Niche Collection", which is still waiting for later generations to sort out and restore it.

At the end of the article, I had to write a little digression. One incident of Huang Chunyao who committed suicide was recorded by future generations.

When the city of Jiading was broken, and the west city was not blocked by the beastly Qing soldiers, many people planned to leave the city, but Huang Chunyao refused to give the lock and key.

"Jiading Slaughtering City Chronicle" describes: "When the city was broken, there were no soldiers at the west gate, and men and women in the city all walked west; the streets were full of rocks and blockages, and they were overwhelmed, crying and begging to open the gate. Yes. His fellow jinshi Wang Taiji was appropriate, and he pleaded for the people's orders, and his words were very condolences.

It sounds paranoid, but in fact, Huang Xishi did not know the specific situation of the battle, so he said this in the second half:

Chunyao was furious and said, "If you want to dedicate the city, please do it yourself; I will die in an instant, regardless of my friendship." Taiji rushed to the south gate and left the city. When Russia hears that the city is broken, Fang Ting opens the gate.

Jiading and Jiangyin were both tragic events, so they were brought up again at the end of the Qing Dynasty as a call.

The Qing Dynasty seized the Ming Dynasty's mountains and rivers, all by force, and the slaughter was extremely heavy. The so-called leading beasts to eat people, compared to the Mongolian Yuan, is probably consistent, and they all used massacres to intimidate, until Qiu Jin at the end of the Qing Dynasty, still the same.

Thought to end.


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silm喜愛讀書,喜愛詩,更喜歡哪個? [大家不用困惑,我關注和拍手都是很隨性的,不用一定回拍,也不用一定回關。因為我是把追蹤作為一個個人閲讀器,不定期梳理,隨着自己的關注變化,關注再取關,取關又關注。所以不要困擾,都好,都好,大家一切都好。^_^]
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