Be wary of Chinese wearing red scarves

Brendan said to this arrogant pink during the live broadcast: "It is obvious that you are not suitable for democracy."

As the Chinese New Year approaches, overseas Chinese who love their motherland have deliberately created a farce. British pianist "Dr K" Brendan Kavanagh performed a public performance on a street piano at St. Pancras Railway Station in London, and was "picked" by a group of Chinese people wearing red scarves. They claimed that they were preparing a New Year's program for Chinese television and that it could not be exposed. They emphasized that they had image rights. They even accused the pianist of calling them "communist China" as a "racist" (racist) and wanted to resort to law.

It is nothing new for Chinese people to shout for freedom of speech in the free world, but this time they use the name that the right of portrait is protected by law. Brendan played the piano live in public. According to London law, the public and the media do not need to apply for permission to shoot and videotape in public places. The patriotic Chinese people want to promote the New Year for Chinese TV stations and choose to shoot in public places, but ask the live broadcasters at the same place not to let them appear on camera. Multiple standards have already been used to perfection. Civilized people are very simple. If I don’t want to be in the camera, I just walk away, but I will not criticize other people’s public rights. Brendan retorted that this was Britain, not Communist China, and the other party immediately slapped him with a racist label. You are from China and you work for the Chinese propaganda machine. Why did calling you a communist become a racial slur? Shouldn't patriots be more proud? When Brendan was curious and wanted to take a closer look at the national flag in the woman's hand, he was told "Don't touch her" by the man on the side, intending to create a "sexual harassment" incident and elevate the originally righteous argument to a moral level. level. Afterwards, the heroine once claimed on the Chinese intranet that Brendan was harassing her, and even said that she was doing it to protect the national flag, and that the dignity of the national flag should not be damaged, which is nonsense that Chinese people like to hear.

Do you think that when this happens, the pinks will give up? The man continued to demand an apology from Brendan and told passers-by that the pianist had harassed his friend, even though there was no footage of Brendan touching the woman in the video. He also picked up the topic and told passers-by that Brendan was a racist "because he said we are communists." The tactics of the patriotic thugs are clearly visible, and they are in line with the motherland he loves. When he is at a loss for words, he wants to use moral excuses to "smear dirty water" on the other party. Unexpectedly, Brendan doesn't care, "We are not in China," and asks the domineering China What was the man going to do? He ignored his friend's attempts to stop the fight, saying that the show would be more effective this way, making the other party speechless and making the whole farce even more hilarious.

The streets and alleys of the motherland are covered with surveillance. I guess the patriotic young generals would not dare to say "right to privacy" or "right to portrait" to any passerby holding up a mobile phone to take pictures, let alone the special police who can check and seize mobile phones at any time. ,public security. This kind of people who have read a little bit of books and drank a little bit of foreign ink dare not behave in front of a random big brother on the road in China, because they are afraid that the other person is more rogue than themselves. I know you are knowledgeable, so I mentioned civil rights in front of you. I know that you have a lot of weaknesses in Western society, so race, discrimination, women, and privacy are the best weapons of violence. While they are patriotic and sing the praises of their authoritarian motherland overseas, they deny their patriotic identity and avoid "communism".

Brendan said to this arrogant pink during the live broadcast: "Obviously you are not suitable for democracy." The crisis of democratic society is undoubtedly reflected in such Chinese people. The protection of human rights and freedom is the highest value in a democratic society, so when the police approached, Patriotic Pink immediately stepped forward and complained: This pianist violated our portrait rights and even intended to touch my female friend. In every word, he was confident and felt that the police should "fight for us". And Brendan has no excuse, because this is the daily life of a free society, and even this unnecessary farce is normal. It will not, like Eastern countries, take the pianist back to the police station for investigation and then charge him with "hurting the feelings of the Chinese people" or being anti-China and anti-communist, and make him write a confession and post a video on YouTube to apologize to the Chinese. However, it does happen in the UK, just as they continue to attack protesters who oppose the Chinese Communist Party overseas. They collect information, threaten their families, and even establish their own "overseas public security bureaus" in different countries. They use the conveniences of the free world to strengthen themselves, and in turn pave the way for their tyranny, threatening the people here with their model.

We cannot avoid it, we can only face it, be vigilant and prevent these democratic crises that may occur at any time.


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