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[Four Seasons Recipes]|Leek Recipe No. 1_Boiled Shrimp with Leek

Anyone who has eaten leek dumplings knows that leeks are easy to produce gas and have a lot of stamina, which often makes people shy away. But chives are fine, their nutritional value is quite good, the taste is not as heavy as chives, and the texture is soft and tender, which is quite pleasing!

Since returning to the company, my work has become extremely busy. Although I have achieved efficient results, it has been spinning like a top. In addition, I have just finished the first dose of AZ, and I have been able to cope with the side effects. I can finally leave myself a little time to share the latest cooking. income.

In fact, I haven't cooked well for a week. This article was published on other platforms a few days ago, and it was also loved by friends. However, it was written briefly. Today, I add a little more knowledgeable text to make the content more complete.

One day after get off work, Siji stopped by the evening market to buy coriander, but when I arrived at the vegetable stall, I saw chives first, which looked very fresh and soft. I picked it up and smelled the smell. I liked the aroma very much, so I took a handful home. , When checking out, the counter said that the package was priced at NT$48, and I bought it home without much thought.

🌿What is chives? chives?

Except for the color, the appearance of chives is actually the same as that of chives.

Chives are dark green in color and taste very domineering, while chives are yellowish in color, even partially white, and taste very refreshing. Although there is such a difference, in fact, they are all leeks, but they are grown in different ways!

After being planted in the sun, leeks absorb the essence of sunlight and carry out photosynthesis, so they are rich in chlorophyll. However, chives are "deliberately" adjusted to their planting methods and grow in places where there is no sunlight, so the color is light and the fiber texture is soft and tender.

Chives are suitable for seasoning spices, while chives are suitable for stir-frying into vegetables. They are tender, juicy, sweet and refreshing, and they are very eye-catching when served on a plate.

🌿Since I bought chives, what should I do?

After thinking about it, it is also very good to fry shrimps. As a result, this "shrimp with chives and yellow" is very suitable for the appetite of the little nurse. She said why it is so delicious, so I came up to share with the citizens and friends.

Here's how

 Ingredients: Shrimp, chives, coriander, salt, rice wine, white pepper, sesame oil, brown rice oil.

1. De-ice the shrimp and remove the intestines. 2. Add white pepper, salt, rice wine, and sesame oil to marinate for ten minutes. 3. Heat the pan with cold oil, stir fry the shrimp until it is half cooked, and set aside.
4. Put the chives in the crude oil pot and stir-fry over medium heat, add water and stir-fry until soft, then add salt and stir-fry for a while, then add the shrimp and stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add the coriander and mix well to serve.

Summary" Overall, this is a very charming and attractive dish, and the family likes the taste of chives very much.

It is worth noting that: the premise of making this dish is to remove the intestines of the shrimp, because the shrimp intestines will have an earthy taste, and sometimes it is obvious, and sometimes a lot of them are simply collapsed. If there is an accident, it will appear like a black sheep... that is very sad!

In addition, chives are easy to be cooked but not unripe, mainly because chives belong to the Liliaceae family, with multiple layers, so it is easy to hide from insect eggs, so in addition to washing, it is necessary to cook them!

 All rights reserved, no reprinting, cooperation welcome letter 4season.matters@gmail.com

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