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Reading Experience-Huang Wanling_Classic Reproduction of a Lost Taiwan Cookbook

I hope that through this book, readers can understand the time and space background of each dish and the use of ingredients...
Image source: blog from https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010693292

Book Information

Title: Huang Wanling_Classic Reproduction of Lost Taiwanese Recipes: 40 Asher Cuisines, Restaurant Cuisines, Dowry Cuisines, Table Cuisines, Home Cooking Cuisines, with detailed step-by-step demonstrations, you can also become a successor of Taiwanese cuisine.

Author: Huang Wanling

Publisher: Times Publishing

Publication date: 2015/10/27

*Suitable for: Those who want to reproduce traditional Taiwanese cuisine, those who miss the taste of their hometown, those who want to see the stories of traditional dishes

Text begins:

How did I, who never cook, come across this book? It also starts from when I was a primary Chinese teacher, I was appreciated by the teacher, and I got the privilege of picking a book in the school library.

I still remember that on the table at that time: everyone learns English, a map of Taiwan, and this Taiwanese cookbook with a delicious cover. Basically I made a quick decision without any hesitation - I want this cookbook! After all, for me, who doesn't like to read, cookbooks are a lot more practical than maps and English.

As a professional foodie, when I got home, I excitedly asked my mother to quickly reproduce the dishes introduced in the book. Except for the more complicated cloth bag chicken, chicken, pig belly and turtle, basically my mother cooked it for me. So now when I grow up and read this book, I feel a sense of closeness to the nostalgia.

The great thing about this book is that it does not just introduce those complicated dishes, but a mixture of simplicity and complexity, so that people can gradually challenge according to the difficulty. And the most precious thing is that in addition to teaching people how to cook, this book also writes the historical stories behind the dishes and the hardships behind the author's efforts to reproduce these old and precious recipes that are about to be lost. It allows us to clearly absorb knowledge while reproducing it step by step, understand how each delicious dish has been passed down to the present, and also be moved by the author's efforts to revive Taiwanese cuisine.

Among so many kinds of dishes, the one that impresses me the most is the ordinary and unpretentious-looking preserved vegetable egg. Because I didn't expect a simple home-cooked dish to have so much knowledge and wisdom behind it!

Preserved egg is a food invented by farmers in the past to deal with unsalable agricultural products. So what I eat is not only eggs, but the crystallization of farmers' wisdom, which is a witty product derived from the times. And at the same time, this is a dish that my mother liked to cook when I was a child. There is no reason, just because it is convenient, the preserved radish can be served in a few minutes after frying. But if you want to make it delicious, you must have a trick!

As mentioned by the author, the preserved cabbage eggs eaten in ordinary restaurants only have egg flavor, and the flavor of preserved cabbage is difficult to come out. My mother had this problem before making eggs, which troubled her for many years, but when she read this book and followed the recipe step by step, the boiled preserved vegetable egg really had both egg and preserved vegetable aroma. , the taste of the egg is more layered and becomes more delicious.

This is a special and classic recipe book that is both practical and sentimental. If you are interested, you can buy it and take a look. Through the steps in the book to restore traditional dishes one after another, and then peek into the history of Taiwanese cuisine. As the book says: "Make your own traditional colors, aromas and tastes that have been stacked over the years." Make cooking more fun!


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