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[Children's Picture Books] Mary can wear whatever she likes to wear

Clothing is never subordinate to any gender, and everyone should have the right to freely choose what to wear!
Image source: Lianjing

This children's book is adapted from the true story of Mary Walker . Before talking about this picture book, let me briefly introduce the life of Mary Walker, a woman.

Mary Walker was born in New York, USA on November 26, 1832. She didn't like the restraint of skirts since she was a child. Since her family also ran a farm, her family did not object to her wearing trousers when she helped on the farm. Mary Walker later successfully obtained a doctorate in medicine in 1855, and also married her husband, who was also a doctor. At that time, Mary Walker refused to take the oath of "obedience to her husband" at the wedding and refused to change her husband's surname. Said to be a woman who is very brave to express herself.

Mary Walker (Image credit: Wikipedia)

Mary Walker also participated in the front-line work of several battles to treat the army and civilians, and even became a prisoner of war. Fortunately, she was successfully released. After the war, she focused on propaganda on various issues, one of which is this children's book. "Women's clothing improvement" to be told, Mary Walker said: "I don't wear men's clothes, I wear my own clothes!" Mary Walker liberated not only women's physical constraints, but also showed The courage to strive for self-consciousness has also benefited future female friends.

This children's picture book is to tell children that trousers and skirts are not limited to any gender , and don't force yourself to wear uncomfortable clothes because of the ridicule and ridicule of others. Everyone should have the right to freely choose what to wear. Should be criticized by others to affect their own will.

Mock quiz exercises with children:

Q: Are pants only boys can wear?

Q: Can boys wear skirts?

Q: What is the difference between wearing skirts and pants?

Q: If someone laughs at your clothes, how do you respond?

Q: Should we choose what we like or what others like?


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