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What is the difference between a good teacher in the eyes of a parent and a child?

As times change, has our definition of a good teacher changed?
Image source: unsplash

"Which class will you be assigned to next semester?"

"It's not the same as us, but I heard that your teacher is the most fierce one, but I think it's good, I like a stricter teacher, and the teacher will be stricter when you are in elementary school. It's better to get used to it earlier. ”

The above is the conversation with the neighbors in the elevator yesterday morning, and it was our children who were assigned to the most fierce teacher.

After sending my children to school and returning home, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of teacher is a good teacher? Do parents and children have the same definition of a good teacher?

It is said that when our elders were young, they always experienced parents telling their teachers, "If the child is not well behaved, try your best to be rude." This is the traditional authoritarian education. Even in the relatively open social atmosphere of modern times, many parents still believe that the more aggressive and stricter teachers can exert binding force on children, and such binding force can improve children's learning. As a result, most of the parents' hearts were relieved, because the anxiety of worrying that their children could not keep up with their studies was instantly reduced, and the heavy responsibility of supervising their children's studies also fell on the teachers.

But looking back on our school life, do we like the most strict and fierce teacher? I believe that most people will answer that they like the teacher who is the most open-minded, humorous, and good at understanding students' moods, right? ! Teachers with these characteristics may also be strict and do not conflict with each other. That is to say, strictness itself is not a problem , but as a parent, what you must pay attention to is whether the teacher has the ability to understand and guide children. The ability to develop adaptively does not only need to be "strict" , and parents who are worried about encountering strict teachers need not worry too much. There are indeed many teachers who insist on discipline and have empathy and love at the same time.

Education is not as simple as imagined, and each child's personality is different. If a teacher has greater flexibility and an open mind, he will naturally be more accepting of children with different personalities, and will also find ways to use different teaching methods. Instead, simply using intimidating education methods can only make children obey because of fear on the surface.

I hope that one day I can hear the parents' comments on a good teacher is no longer just strict, but the teacher makes the child like the class very much and benefits a lot from it. Whether the teacher is good or not should be judged by the smile on the child's face, no matter how accurate it is However!


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