

Sloth Eating Convenience Supermarket | All kinds of sweet potato battles for the whole family

Sweet potatoes, quack, sloth quack, oh my god I like to eat sweet potatoes. Well, I love fries.

In addition to "sweet potatoes", let's take a look at other "series of delicious sweet potatoes" recently dug by sloths.
Let's eat sweet potatoes and quack together.

※The content of this article has been published on my Liker Social and noise.cash in the past, and then revised and retouched.

Ice Baked Sweet Potato (39 RMB)

For a while, I didn't know what to eat for breakfast, and I always felt tired of eating.

After a chat with my friend L, she recommended to me this "Iced Baked Sweet Potato" for the whole family, which will be kept in the freezer. No wonder I usually don't find this product.

After taking it out of the freezer, it can be eaten hot in the microwave , or it can be eaten directly after defrosting. There are 3 sweet potatoes (with skins) in this bag, which I think is quite a lot, very good.

I'm also quite used to eating the sweet potato skin directly, so I didn't remove it.

The taste of eating it hot after the microwave is like the family's "sweet potato", but after the ice has been removed a little, the "ice heart" -like taste makes me very surprised . The sweetness feels sweeter than eating it hot, and it is also very soft. taste.

OK, this new attempt, without Cai Lei, will want to buy it in the future!!!

Ganmei French Fries (39 yuan)

One day, after practicing yoga, I was looking for my breakfast today with the whole family. I wanted to buy an ice-baked sweet potato (above), but I saw this next to the sweet potato in the freezer. The guy I haven’t seen before, sweet potato fries !!!

I looked at the calorie meter, it was 218 kcal , it was okay, I bought it and took it home immediately.

The way to eat, you can choose (1) after putting it in the freezer, thaw it for half an hour and eat it directly (2) microwave heating I choose to freeze it out and put it for a while, and start eating!!!

The sweet potatoes in the melon garden are really sweet,
(Later, I heard from my friend L that the sweet potatoes in Guaguayuan are sweeter than other sweet potatoes, and it is not my illusion)
Just after the ice has been removed, it still has a "frozen" taste, which is sweeter and slightly harder.

There is a lot of ganmei powder on the outer layer, which is very delicious.
The more I eat, the more I rinse my mouth, and there will be a little sticky ganmei sauce on my fingers, and I even licked my fingers XDD

Well, this is delicious, I feel like it can be exchanged with ice-baked sweet potatoes. One serving as breakfast is quite a lot~ The taste is changeable, and I can convince myself that it is very nutritious!!!

Honey fries (42 yuan)

I found another sweet potato new product for the whole family, honey fries! ! !
But don't know why, this guy is three bucks more expensive than sweet and plum fries (totally makes no sense) 🤔️
(Could it be that honey is raising interest rates, isn't it, I mean raising prices...?)

appearing in the freezer,
However, the sweet and plum fries in the freezer are sometimes not on sale. I hope they will not be discontinued!
Honey fries can also be frozen and eaten after defrosting a little, or microwaved.

↑I chose to eat it after thawing. After opening it, you can see that the honey sauce is sprinkled on the sweet potato fries, and part of it will flow under the bag. It will be sticky if you eat it with your hands.

So, smart sloth, I eat with chopsticks .
Overall it's not bad, not too sweet, but easy to get tired .

If you want me to choose, I will vote for "Ganmei French Fries" , Ganmei French fries are more mouth-watering, I am a little embarrassed!

So, have you ever eaten these three kinds of fries in the whole family?

※Want to see more what sloths eat? Welcome to follow the sloths have been eating Matters tag ※The life of sloths, lazily in the square grid , Matters and ruffians .


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