
嗨! 大家好,我是Sati. Sati 是古印度的巴利文,意思是記得、憶起、專注與覺察、正念。我很喜歡這個名字,因為我的信仰就是【善】。 現在是自由工作者,分享文章、線上課程、靜心音檔,也從事親職教育課程講座與戲劇展演相關推動工作。

love is -2

Love is, a connection, a blessing, a being; no longer, an act, a saying, an emotion.
The Beauty of Eight Passes - Plum blossoms. Photography: Sati.

Love is,

I love you and you just happen to love me;

Love is,

What we love, the other does not necessarily like, but supports each other to love what he loves;

Love is,

What we want to do, the other party may not understand, but do not prevent each other from doing it;

Love is,

Our goals may be the same or different, but we can support each other in pursuing and achieving those same or different goals;

Love is,

They are independent and free, but their hearts are closely interdependent.

So love is,

A connection, a blessing, a presence;

Is no longer,

An action, a statement, an emotion.


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