
嗨! 大家好,我是Sati. Sati 是古印度的巴利文,意思是記得、憶起、專注與覺察、正念。我很喜歡這個名字,因為我的信仰就是【善】。 現在是自由工作者,分享文章、線上課程、靜心音檔,也從事親職教育課程講座與戲劇展演相關推動工作。

Believing that you are safe is the first step to loving yourself

When you are a person who loves yourself, you will know how to live your life, and knowing what to do will make you happy from the bottom of your heart. You will follow your heart and make every choice or decision.

It is easy to feel lonely nowadays, but this feeling actually comes from not loving yourself enough and getting along well with yourself.

The word "love yourself" sounds very vague. In fact, you only need to see if you can get along with yourself completely and safely without panic and fear when you are alone, and you can easily detect whether you are one. People who love themselves enough.

How can people who don't love themselves enough learn to get along well with themselves?

The first step is actually to learn to trust yourself, to believe that you are safe in any situation.
When you know that you will be at peace in any situation, then it means that you believe in yourself and that God is looking after you, you can enter a state of peace and security, inner security can be built, and then you can Feel free to be alone with yourself and no longer be afraid.

And when you are a person who loves yourself, you will know how to live your life, knowing how to do it will make you happy from the heart, and you will follow your heart to make every choice or decision.

Even if those choices make you encounter obstacles, you will face it calmly and walk the road in a positive way, you will take responsibility for your own decisions, and know that behind every challenge comes a huge and beautiful gift , and finally, you will receive him with a smile and tell yourself: You are great!


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