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Reading pen farming|#Confucianism Confucianism• Clap hands, original sin, social innocence

I run a restaurant with originality and rare ingredients, but you are not obliged to dine; you always find that you go to the shop opposite more often because the owner grins, waves warmly at you, and greets you.
Topic: Clapping the original sin, social innocence.
Type: Reflection.
Scenario: Discuss.
Embedded in the golden sentence of the Analects: Do not suffer from people who do not know oneself, and suffer from not knowing others.

 The Master said, "Don't worry about people who don't know themselves, and don't worry about people who don't know them."

Worrying about "others don't understand you" turns out to be no difference between the past and the present! Confucius exhorted, what you should worry about is " you don't know others ".

There seems to be a bit of " subject separation " in Adler's psychology. Whether others know that you are the effect, and whether you know that others are the cause, are two completely different issues. The former is beyond our control (without interfering), and the latter can be changed through hard work.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Extending this sentence to writing, it is meaningless to worry about "other people can't see what you wrote", and what should be more concerned about is " how much effort you put in ".

Is it enough to write "good" articles? You, I, and the one-eyed dragon all know the answer to the question. In this era of scarcity of attention, good products have to be accompanied by publicity. Regarding this point, the official promotion is sparing no effort, such as [Homepage Essence], [Matty Today's Recommendation], and the private sector has also contributed, such as the [Essence area with the least clapping hands] of the @catding Daily , @zhi Grandpa Gong[ White Bodhi Flower Roster + Broadcasting] and the citizens' [support] are popular.

All of the above mentioned are passive methods .

Today, the seeds of the next article are sown, and the enthusiastic gardeners are actively irrigating, which has played a role to some extent. But those who sow should also take the initiative to give more thought, self-recommendation is more important than recommendation . Unless the client doesn't care about his KPIs, but others don't think so, how can you keep losing those "suck melons and bad dates"?

I run a restaurant with originality and rare ingredients, but you are not obliged to dine; you always find that you go to the shop opposite more often because the owner grins, waves warmly at you, and greets you.

You may disdain the self-recommendation method of "clapping and socializing", but I tend to unbind it and separate "clapping" and "socializing" for discussion.

It is true that clap bears more or less the original sin of "matching funds", but social is not guilty . Matt City itself is a community, and the design of the fireplace is also built around social networking; supporting and collecting articles is social networking; replying to messages below your own/other articles is social networking; organizing and participating in community activities is social networking; frankly owning Ideas are social; expressing concern for community affairs is social... How many social signals you project are the causes and can be cultivated. If you take inaction and govern, it is not impossible.

In fact, clapping is the most superficial social signal, but the cost is extremely low.
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Don't worry about people's ignorance, don't worry about not knowing people - worry about not understanding human nature, worry about losing a mind .

PS: Suffering in the ancient text refers to "worry", not "suffering"! 😅

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