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Taipei Gourmet Food - Shuangyue Food Club

Recently, I bought a Casio world map watch at momo. The price is less than NT$1,000. In order to prepare for the border opening to Eastern Europe and Portugal after the epidemic, a friend suggested that you should not wear an apple watch when you go to Europe. I make myself look like a poor student. In fact, I quite like the feeling of poor travel. I have the pleasure of a literate tramp, a little hippie and a little youthful~

The night I got the watch, I set it at home, but it took an hour to set it up, so I had to go to the Casio flagship store near Shandao Temple after get off work to ask the clerk for help. .

With excited hearts, I want to say that when you come to the vicinity of Shandao Temple, you will come to Shuangyue Food Club. Shuangyue is famous for its chicken soup and side dishes. If the weather is warmer, you can order a cup of Aiyu Ice. Shuangyue is currently in Taipei. There are only three branches, and I used to be called ubereat. It was the first time in my life that I ate this restaurant and felt so happy.

Today, I was the only one, so I ate a bowl of fried shallot noodles. The dough was just right. The slight shallot flavor made me finish the chicken soup before it was on the table. The whole thing was a bit embarrassing :P

I ordered chicken soup with oysters and oysters today. Shuangyue's chicken soup features a lot of ingredients, including clams/drumsticks/cabbage. At first, the spoon could not be picked up, and the whole quilt was full, so I had to eat the chicken on the top first. Off, Shuangyue seems to have some chicken parts. I eat chicken with skin in this bowl. The meat is soft and tender. The wall of Shuangyue claims that Michelin must drink chicken soup. This sentence is true! ! During the epidemic, there are few people and there are no tourists to disturb. You can enjoy a bowl of chicken soup to replenish your body, which is very happy!


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