
在臺北努力生存的馬來西亞人 🇲🇾✈️🇹🇼 Instagram: jingshi924 熱愛生活, 閱讀, 文字, 喜歡的樂團是五月天, 喜歡春天和秋天, 不聰明但很努力生活的社會新鮮人。 #願你的善良能被這世界善待#

February 4th——Daily

Today is the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, which means that the holidays are coming to an end soon. (two more days left)

It's cold in Taipei today. I'm still afraid of the cold, but I love winter.

Today, I originally went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables, but the vegetable market has not yet opened, perhaps during the Chinese New Year. Had to give up.

But there is really no ingredients at home, so I have to cook the remaining ingredients casually, which is also a meal.

Lunch is to eat fried rice, cut all the hot pot ingredients and add an egg, which is another delicious meal. Oh yes, I like to add tomato sauce to fried rice.

For dinner, boil pasta and add a hard-boiled egg. One of my favorite dishes to cook at work, simple and convenient. very nice.


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