
同人寫手 偶有短篇,有時會發些書的讀後感

girl manga-like expansion

This article is a derivative work of bang dream (girl band party), you must have a certain degree of understanding of the original work to experience the fun.

The pairing is Saya Thrush (342g).

[thrush side]

『I wrote down Sayaya-san’s name on a blank notebook.

Since the last time I got to know Miss Saya at the biscuit class I opened at my house, I often find myself thinking about the conversation at that time.
"I think Hazawa-san's strength is that he is good at discovering the strengths of others."
Every time I think of this sentence, my cheeks get hot, and I realize once again the fact that I might like Ms. Saya.

I want to touch Miss Saya. I want to be touched by Miss Saya.
Although I want to convey this feeling, Miss Saya is not only working as a disciplinary committee member, but also in Roselia's group training in Hanasaki River next door. Whenever she thinks of it, she is always embarrassed to disturb her, and finally hides her thoughts in her heart.
To distract myself, I wrote Ms. Sayaya's name in a notebook until I calmed down.

Today, when I realized that this was the last page, it was too late, I didn't have any other blank notebooks at hand, and I couldn't write on my usual notebooks. The thought of being discovered by my classmates or everyone in Afterglow made me feel embarrassed. Not to mention what if Miss Saya sees me, what if she thinks I'm a heavy woman?

If this goes on like this, I will be unable to restrain my emotions, so I try to maintain a normal expression and tell my mother to go out, and now I am walking to the door of the bookstore..."

"...Himari, we're just here to buy a notebook for class, don't help me with setting the background." Hazawa Thrush showed an embarrassed smile, her face flushed slightly.

"Eh~ But Thrush also thinks this is very interesting~?"

"After entering the door, the emotionally unstable Thrush walked quickly to the bookcase in the notebook area without looking at it, bumped into someone at the corner and fell to the ground, looked up and saw Miss Saya holding a notebook with a surprised expression. Looking towards this side, the words of apology that I was about to say stuck in my throat.
After standing up holding Miss Saya's hand, the thrush couldn't hold back anymore, took a step forward and fell into Miss Saya's arms, gasping softly, and Miss Saya reflexively hugged the petite woman in her arms. The body, and then the confused eyes of the thrush met the sight of Miss Saya, and the lips of the two came closer and closer..."

"Wow wow wow!!! Don't go on talking!!!" Yuzawa Thrush screamed while covering his ears, taking an extra step forward to trigger the bookstore's sensor door, and this farce at the store's door came to an end.

"Hazawa-san?" Saya Hikawa, who was about to leave the bookstore, appeared in front of her, looking here with a surprised expression. Hers is holding a notebook.

"Wow..." Hearing his best friend exclaiming in a low voice from behind, Yuzawa Thrush also felt the same way.

"Shaye Xiao..." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Before the greeting sentence was finished, Hikawa Saya took the lead, quickly put the notebook in the schoolbag and left the bookstore.

(Miss Saya's face...isn't it a little red?) Hazawa Thrush is not quite sure.
(What was that notebook for writing?) Hazawa Thrush began to fantasize.
(Wait to buy another notebook, just choose the same style as Ms. Saya!) Hazawa Thrush silently made a decision.

"The situation just now was amazing! It's like the development of a shoujo manga, I'm sure I'm very talented, maybe I can write a novel! Are you right? Right?
Wow~ the background of the thrush is full of small flowers! What are you thinking about? "

"There's nothing!!!" Yuzawa Thrush's face turned red again.

[Saye side]

I'm running out of notebooks so I went to the bookstore to refill.

Afterwards, I thought it was a rudeness to meet Yuzawa-san at the door without saying hello, but for now, I just want to leave the scene as soon as possible.

Why is there such a big reaction? Just being seen buying a laptop is a no-brainer of being discovered.

About me writing down fries in a blank notebook.


This article is a four-page free tabloid first published on Comic Horizon 7 Lily only (2019.10.19)

Due to the different carrier structures, some calculations cannot be displayed, which is a pity


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